Authors thanks!!

1.9K 29 5

Holy shit. Almost 68,000 reads?! This is insane!!

Thank you so much to everyone who read this story and gave me suggestions. This is so amazing and I feel so honoured to have the top book for #miguelcazarezmora and #theblackphone . I cannot thank you guys enough! And knowing this is someone's comfort book?! What the hell, thank you!!

I remember when I was so hyped once this book hit 1,000 reads. But now there's 67,000 more! AND we're almost at 1,000 votes! It's such a nice feeling to know that people like my stories. It's inspired and motivated me so much to do more things in my life like this. Thank you so much.

And to the people who all followed me! I hope you guys enjoy my upcoming books! My next story is gonna be a fanfic with Mason Thames but I have no idea how to start it! Or how it should be set!
(Fun fact Mason Thames noticed me on Instagram twice 😉)
Anywho, if you guys have any ideas for me please message them to me incase I pick it and there's spoilers in the comments! I literally posted part 34 not even 10 hours ago and it already have over 200 views. I can't thank you guys enough.

I also make Miguel Cazarez Mora edits on my tiktok and insta, and every now and then I edit the rest of the tbp cast to!

Tiktok: @thames4mora
Instagram: @thames4mora

I cannot thank you guys enough and I really hope you all enjoy the next chapter, which the idea of it was inspired by mcmmainhoe08 ❤️

(Edited 16/2/23): A new story has officially come out on my page! It's a fan fiction! Altruistic Heartache - Tom Kaulitz' if you like/liked this story, I recommend going to read it! The first two chapters are already out now! Personally, I'm so excited to continue writing it ❤️

THANK YOU!! ❤️🫶🏼

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