Part 15.

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My limo parks up beside the red carpet entrance, my heart begins pounding.

A sickly feeling enters my stomach and throat and my breathing rate increases. I look into the mirror to see the other limos parking behind me, and the rest in front of me already parked. I could only remember Madeleine being in front of me, and Miguel being behind.

I bite my lip and gulp, my car door is opened by the driver. Paparazzi are already standing outside the entrance. I feel my legs go weak. The driver slightly looks into the car, waiting for me to get out.

I take one step out of the car and I hear people cheering, Madeleine probably just got out of her car. My other foot slides out and onto the pavement floor, and I get out the car.

Immediately, there was flashing, cameras everywhere, shouting. I can't tell what anyone was shouting, there were too many voices over another.

My legs go numb. Madeleine was already taken inside by a staff member, paparazzi was specifically asking for her and Mason. The duo everyone loves. Fuck. Now I'm on my own. Where do I go.

I take a few steps forward, it had just felt like the right thing to do. I start to shake slightly, and I prayed that nobody would notice. My vision starts to go blurry and I go light headed. I feel horrible. The flashes were the only thing keeping me conscious.


I stand still for a few seconds, until I feel a soft, warm hand hold mine. A gasp comes from my mouth and I snap back into reality. My vision went back to normal slowly and gradually. I turn my head to see Miguel beside me. He was holding my hand.

He intertwined our fingers together and smiled at me slightly. I felt myself blush.

"Shall we?" Miguel says. I giggle a bit, it was like we were in some sort of posh 90s movie. I nod my head and he slowly walks onto the red carpet with me beside him.

He tells the staff it was my first time and he'd like to stay with me.

Why's he being so nice to me? I've never seen this side of Miguel. Well not towards me. But whatever he was doing, it was working.

Paparazzi was in a line in front of us, I didn't know where to look. Miguel keeps a firm hold of my hand behind our backs and the paparazzi takes multiple photos of us. Flashes everywhere. God how many people are here?

Me and Miguel are told to step away from each other for a second just to get some single photos. He looks at me as if to say 'you got this.' And I nod my head.

I take a few steps forward and I smile at the cameras. I try to look at every camera I could spot there.

"Y/n over here!"
"Y/n look here!" These paparazzi had clearly known about the things posted on Instagram by the rest of the cast. I continued to smile at the cameras.

"Miguel, could you hold her waist?"
"Miguel do it!"
And clearly the paparazzi saw the photo of me and Miguel in the kitchen that Madeleine accidentally posted. Crap.

"Just for this one photo, please Miguel!" Someone in the paparazzi shouts.

"Do it!!" I hear a voice I recognise. I lean forward to see Tristan and Becca winking at Miguel. My eyebrow raises when suddenly I feel a hand slither around my waist from my left.

Butterflies immediately fill my stomach. My body goes numb. Why do I feel like this? Oh shit. My cheeks go pink.

He keeps his hand around my waist firmly, and I act like it was normal, I smile at the cameras, just like him, and we continue walking further down the red carpet, stopping every now and then.

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