Part 9.

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This chapter is back to y/n's pov! ❤️

Someone rips my bedsheets off me, and the only thing that comes out my mouth is a loud groan.

"Get up, we're all shooting today." Bay is in my face, and I slowly sit up, rubbing my eyes. I could barely sleep last night. Miguel was on my mind the whole night, my mind was debating whether he actually still hated me, or if he's just pretending at this point, and I was still debating right now.

Bay throws a black jumper and shorts at me and she walks out the room. I get on the clothes that she'd given me and a pair of sliders. The film team would give me the on scene clothing anyways so it didn't matter what I wore.

I make my way out of the bedroom to see everyone getting ready to leave.


I'm put in the car with Miguel, and we sit in silence. I begin to fiddle with my fingers and pick at the skin. Suddenly, I feel a warm hand take grip of my fingers and pulling them away from each other so that I'd stop picking the skin away.
I look up to see Miguel looking at me, him removing his hand from mine and we continue to sit in silence. Sighing softly, I share out the window, watching all of the cars driving by. I bite my lip.


We arrive at the studio and we're sent into our trailers to get our make up and hair done. Once they finished with mine I'm put in my outfit. I wish people in this century still wore clothes like this. They're so cute!

Miguel and I are called out to go on set, and I see him as Robin once again. The bright blue bandana, blue shirt and blue trousers.


We get through filming with just one small argument over whose line it was next, which shocked the film crew, and honestly, it shocked me to.
I get out of costume, my make up is wiped off and me and Miguel get back into the car to go back to the hotel. We only said a few words to each other.

"Whose turn is it to make dinner tonight?" I ask.

"I think it's yours." Miguel replies, turning to me, his voice still slightly stern, not as loose as it was earlier on. I nod and continue to stare out of the window to my right.


Once we were back at the hotel, everyone sits down in the kitchen and I begin cooking dinner. I made toad in the hole with vegetables, a meal that my grandma made for me as a child.

Whilst frying the sausages, somebody must've forgotten to clean the stove because it was a bit slippery. I turn my head to talk to everyone, when I hear the pan start to fall off the stove.

Out of instinct, I go to grab it, but my hand hits the bottom of the boiling pan and the stove.

"SHIT!!" I cry out. The pan causes a loud crash to echo around the room as it hits the ground, and everyone gasps.

Miguel walks up to me and grabs my hand, turning on the cold water on the tap and placing my hand under it. He turns off the stove.

He clearly knows what he's doing.

"Jesus, are you okay y/n?" He asks me worriedly.

Sorry this chapter is short, I'm in a bit of a rush! Next chapter coming out tomorrow and more 🤍

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