Part 33.

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Hello everyone! Happy new year! I'm so sorry that no chapters have been coming out recently. With new years and Christmas and so many more events with family these past few weeks, I haven't been able to write that much. But now that I have time and space for the rest of these next few months, I'm going to be giving out new chapters! I'm also going to be starting a new 'Y/N x Robin' book soon, so make sure to check that out once it's out if your interested! Enjoy!

"Amorrr... wake upp..." Warm, hot breath hits my ear. My hands lift to rub my eyes and I sigh softly.

"Mmh—" I grumble. I was sleeping like a log, it was nice to be sleeping in Miguel's arms. He was so warm and his hands holding mine were so soft.

"We gotta do something fun, it's my last day heree..." He mumbled. Great. It was his last day staying here. I sigh and lower my head. I've spent the last year and a half with the boy, but now he's gonna be three hours away from me, and we can't move yet because of the twins.

Slowly, I roll over and stretch my arms out, my legs tensing and stretching outwards towards the end of the bed. All of my muscles were aching. I need to do a workout, I only used the gym we were given in the hotel once.

"I need to do a work out..." I whine and rub my eyes.
"My muscles are really tense..."

"Do you have a local gym,?" He turns his head to me, his gorgeous eyes meet mine.

"Well let's go there then." He smiles widely. His smile makes me blush every time. But going to the gym with Miguel?! My face would be bright red again. The last time I saw him in a gym outfit was when we were mortal enemies.

"Okay..." I snap back into reality and sit up, looking around and stretching once again. He catches my eye, his hands were outstretched behind his head on the pillow, keeping his head up, and he was staring at me with a large, loving smile on my raise. I raise an eyebrow and slowly turn to him, giggling quietly.

"What're you staring for,?" I say, trying to prevent myself from smiling back but I just couldn't, it was hurting my lips trying to keep them down.

"Just admiring my girl..." His smile grows wider and I feel my cheeks burn up. He sits up and puts his hand on my cheek and under my hair, kissing me gently. The soft lips always seem to make me feel like a fool, falling for him so easily, but he's so gorgeous. So kind and caring.


Leaving the bathroom, I look at Miguel to see him wearing an extremely tight black gym shirt, and black gym shorts. On my body, was a pair of black woman's gym shorts and a black gym crop top (or a black gym shirt if your uncomfortable with crop tops). A smile appears on his face again, I can't help but giggle and nudge him.

"Stop that,"
"Stop what?" He chuckles lightly and continues to smile.
"Smiling like that! It's making me feel all fuzzy inside!" I laugh slightly. He shrugs his shoulders.
"That's my job!" He says, loud and proud. A smile appears on my face, wider than before, and we walk out my room.


As we walk out of the room and downstairs we grab a few energy bars and two bottles of water. I alert my mum to let her know that we're going to the gym and she just smiles.


Just walking to the gym was a workout to me. I haven't done gym in ages, Miguel didn't seem to be out of breath, tired, or sweaty at all. How does this boy do all of this?! As we walk in the cold AC hits me, and I stand still.

"Ahh..." I sigh of relief, lifting my head to get the cold air on my face, I hear a chuckle from in front of me and a hand wrap around my wrist.

"Come on," A laugh comes out as he talks. God he's gorgeous. He takes me over to the bikes and we get on one each. We tighten the bottles into the straps below us and start pedalling.

"When did you last work out?" He says, turning his head to me.
"Oh uh... like... a while ago..." I speak up without turning my head to him. He chuckles again.
"I didn't see you workout once at the hotel whilst filming. Promise me you'll come here more often, I don't trike seeing you sweaty, makes me sad." We both laugh slightly.
"I promise," My head turns to him and we exchange smiles, continuing to peddle on the bikes.


My knees begin to ache and I slow down.
"Had enough of this?" He clearly notices and turns to me.
"Just- just for now-..." I say slightly breathlessly , trying not to show it.
"We can do some arm exercises then," He says it like it was nothing. He wasn't out of breath, not sweating or anything. Is this boy a god or what?


We continue doing exercises for another two hours. Eventually I'd gotten used to it, but my thighs were throbbing and Miguel was sweating a little bit. Strands of hair were falling out of his ponytail at the front of his face and I tried not to look, so that my cheeks wouldn't begin to burn up again.


Eventually we'd get through the front door and we kick off our shoes, breathless. My mom was clearly out because her shoes weren't by the door, and the house was silent. John must be at a football game.

"Oh yeah, you need to wear like a really pretty dress later today. And pack things you'd need for at-least one night." He says, turning his head to me, grinning mischievously, then running up the stairs. I try catch up to him.

What is he doing?!...

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