Part 23.

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My eyes open to feel someone slapping me in the face, gently.

"Wake up y/n for god sake it's our last day all together!" Madeleine says, her face right in mine. Right, today is our last day together as a group. Before we all go home to our normal lives, like there's nothing exciting to wake up to anymore. But I still will for another three days. I grin widely to myself, Miguel, my 'beloved' boyfriend is staying at my house for three whole days! He's meeting my whole family tomorrow even though we haven't even been together for a whole twenty four hours.

"I'm up, I'm up!" I say to Madeleine, sitting up, causing her to get out of my way, and crawl to the end of my bed.

"We're going to 'Mar Bella' beach today, to make the most of a hot christmas!" Madeleine shrieks, clearly excited, but I could hear the slight pain in her voice, despite the fact that we all have to leave each other tomorrow morning first thing.

I slowly get out of bed and take a pair of white denim shorts out of my drawer, with a white bikini and a summer cardigan. I change into the bikini, putting the denim shorts over the bottoms, but leaving the top, causing the top part of the bikini to look like a crop top. I then slide on the summer cardigan over my arms and shoulders.


Madeleine meets me back out inside the bedroom and she's wearing a similar outfit to me, except her bikini is black. Reagan is wearing a light blue swimsuit, Becca wearing a black bikini with a different type of design, and Bay with a white swimsuit.


All of the girls walk out the bedroom and meet the boys at the front door. Some of the boys looked slightly teary eyed, everyone is obviously upset about tomorrow, but the energy perks up again once Becca makes a loud announcement about the beach. All of the boys were wearing their swimming trunks, some of them full body swim suits. The boys with the trunks on were wearing white and black t-shirt's on top. My head turns to Miguel, he was wearing a pair of purple trunks with a white t-shirt, and a pair of sandals.

We all rush out of the house after grabbing our towels, fresh clothes, multiple tents to block the sun out, and a couple of floaties. We get in the large car, fitting ten people inside of it. I beside the left window, Madeleine to my side and Miguel behind me, Mason in front of me.


Everyone talks in the car about tomorrow, but also how fun the beach is going to be today. The temperature is quite high today, so it's gonna be a fun day. The car eventually pulls up by the beach. Becca winks at me and she shouts.

"Come on, let's go have the best last day ever!" Everyone cheers and rushes out of the car. Madeleine takes my hand and we all run in a large, jam packed group. Whilst running we all dump our stuff down, the boys take off my shirts and jump into the ocean. My head goes under and I come back up, gasping as me and Madeleine look at each other, laughing and rubbing our eyes.

Everyone begins to splash each other, I smile and laugh constantly, as does everyone else.

"Let's play shoulders!" Bay shouts. We all nod and giggle.

Miguel motions to me and I grin, slowly climbing onto his shoulders and he holds the bottom of my legs. Maddie on Mason, Becca on Tristan, Bay on Jacob, Reagan on Brady R, Spencer on Jordan and Brady H volunteering just to watch and keep count of the seconds.


Becca starts to push Bay, Madeleine pushing Reagan and Me and Spencer pushing each other. Miguel tries his best to keep me up, but he just couldn't stop laughing. God this guy is adorable, his laugh is amazing. I quickly turn my head to Becca and Bay with the spare few seconds I have whilst Spencer adjusts himself, and a large splash hits all of us as Bay falls off Jacob shoulders and into the water. The sudden splash causes Spencer to flinch and fall off Jordan's shoulders, I point at him and burst out laughing.

Miguel turns around so I can get a view of Madeleine and Reagan trying to defeat each other, when I suddenly get a push on my side. I catch myself and Miguel's grip tightens on my legs and I sit up again, glaring at Becca by my side, obviously sarcastically.

I then lash out and lean over, grabbing her shoulders and having a go at pushing her off Tristan's shoulders. I suddenly fall back, but then I catch myself and Miguel pulls on my legs to bring me back up. Tristan winks at Miguel.

I lean forward and suddenly push Becca off Tristan, laughing as Miguel lifts his hand up, and I give him a high five. My head lifts to see Maddie in front of me, eye to eye level. She'd obviously successfully pushed off Reagan.

"The losers buy the winners ice-cream!" Brady shouts. Miguel pats my right leg.

"Come on y/n, you got this, i've got you." He looks up at me so he could see my face and smiles at me. I grin widely and nod quickly. Madeleine's arms quickly go out but I lower the top half of my body, dodging her push. I then push my left arm forward, putting my right hand on top of Miguel's head for extra support, but she leans to the opposite side and dodges it.

Madeleine pushes both her arms out, Mason holding her legs, but Miguel takes a step back, I lean back, and Madeleine falls forward, and off Masons shoulders. She basically does a front flip, and landing in the water. Mason falls backwards after trying to balance himself up.

"Yes!!" Me and Miguel say at the same time. I jump down from his shoulders and he gives me a high five, then kissing me gently on the lips.

"Dangit." Madeleine says.

"Hey, we tried." Mason giggles.

"Okay, well your the one paying for their ice-cream, you failed to keep me up." She giggles.

"Actually, it's a shared payment." He smirks at her, she rolls her eyes and laughs.


Miguel holds my hand.

"Let's go get our free ice-cream then." Miguel chuckles and I nod, we follow Mason and Maddie walking in front of us, to the ice-cream truck, whilst everyone else relaxes in the ocean on floaties.


We arrive at the ice-cream truck and the man asks what we want.

"Could I have (your choice) please?"

"And could I have strawberry in a cone?"

The ice-cream man nods and begins making our ice-cream. Madeleine and Mason sigh and pay for our ice-cream.

"Thanks." I wink and laugh a little. We take our ice-cream and begin to start walking back to the beach.

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