Part 24.

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We make it back to the beach and I sit down on one of the beach chairs. Becca, Reagan and Bay were all laid on the ones beside me under an umbrella, sunglasses on and hands by their sides, clearly trying to relax. All of the boys were in the water messing around on the floats we all brought. Me and Miguel finish our ice cream and he gets into the ocean with the rest of the boys.

I lay back on the beach chair and close my eyes, sighing softly and closing my mouth, thinking deeply as I listen to the boys laughing in the slight distance, all of us girls laying in the silence around us, other than the often seagull  squark or people talking in the distance. My body was relaxed and still, the sounds of the waves of the ocean in my ears.


After turning onto my stomach once and turning back around onto my back, all of us girls were facing the sky on our backs. I start to hear a light chuckle in front of us but I ignore it and keep my eyes closed, relaxing further.

Then I feel a splash of water hit my whole body, causing my used to be warm and dry body, to go freezing cold and wet again.

Me and the girls gasp, sitting up all at the same time, to see all of the boys in front of us with water guns in their hands, spraying us continuously. I put my hands in front of my face and so do the others.

"You dare!!" I stand up and start chasing Mason and Brady R around the beach, trying to tackle at least one of them down. But they were fast, and I was struggling to run in the thick sand.

Every now and then I saw the girls chasing the other boys, except for Miguel who'd clearly gotten out of the way and was hiding behind a tree, hoping not to get caught.


Sweating like pigs, and drenched like drowned rats, me and the girls slowly form back at the beach chairs, sitting down. None of us were able to catch the boys, it was too hot, and the boys had obviously planned ahead.

We all breathe heavily and I put my hands on my forehead, completely breathless.


"I say we get revenge." Madeleine sits up, placing her hands on her chair beside her and looking at all of us.

"I'm in!" I shout, all of the girls agree, and we make up a master plan for revenge.


We all wait for the boys to get tired, and look at them just to see them all laying down on floaties in the ocean, their eyes closed, clearly unbothered.

Madeleine nods at us and we slowly but gradually stand up and move into the ocean. We take careful, slow steps so it doesn't become too obvious someone was walking into the ocean, and so the water isn't disturbed and starts moving the floaties.


I get to the bigger float that Miguel and Mason were laying on. But I couldn't help but notice Miguel's muscles. I never noticed until now how fit and slightly built he was, his abs clearly showing and the muscles and veins in his arms and side torso showing clearly. I felt myself blush but prevented myself from becoming distracted.

Becca nods at all of us and we put our hands at the bottom of the floaties, quick enough to give the boys zero time to react.


All the boys fall off their floaties and all the girls burst out laughing, I hold my stomach from laughing to hard, the boys faces were priceless.

Suddenly, the boys start splashing us and we all start splashing back, eventually huddling in a group where everyone begins splashing each other. I can't help but laugh the whole time and neither can anyone else. God, do I really have to leave all of these amazing people?


It turns 6:30pm, the tide starts coming up so we all decide that it's time to head back to the hotel. I sigh, the day is coming to an end and we're all leaving each other in less than twenty four hours. What am I gonna do without these guys?

We all cover each other up with towels one at a time and change when we're the ones being covered. I change into a pair of black shorts and a white crop top. I keep my hair wet for when I have a shower once we get back to the hotel.


Everyone finishes changing and I help to pack up everything. Taking the floats down, packing towels, our beach chairs and wet swimsuits. Miguel holds my hand firmly and we all walk to the car park, all of us waving goodbye to the beach, I desperately hope we could come back again to the crystal blue waters and light yellow sands.

I get into the car and sigh, leaning back and putting on my seatbelt. This is going to be my last night with these amazing people and it's going to be heartbreaking once we all leave each other. But this has been an amazing year. And I really hope we'll eventually have an opportunity to make even better memories with each other one day.

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