Part 26.

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My eyes slowly open, my head on Miguel's shoulder as the driver pulls up by a drive way.


Miguel wakes up just about the same time as me, lifting his head from mine. My cheeks felt strange, they were covered in dried tears. They were all pink.
He turns his head to me and holds my cheeks, wiping them with his thumbs.

"Are you okay?..." He says, speaking softly to me.

I sniff gently and nod my head. "Yeah... I think I'll be okay..." A small smile appears on my face and the driver opens the car door. I get out and Miguel comes out after me.


"Y/n!" I hear coming from the house. My head quickly turns.

"Mum!!" I run to the door and throw my arms around her, digging my head into her shoulder as she hugs me back.

"God I missed you so much..." She begins to tear up and I giggle.

"Do you not think I missed you any less?..." I say giggling, trying not to cry again. I hold her cheeks and wipe her tears from he face.

I turn my head as I hear footsteps coming up behind me, Miguel is standing slightly to my left, and I take a step back.

"Ah, Miguel! It's so nice to have you sweetie," My mum hugs him gently and he hugs her back.

"Hi Miss y/l/n! Thanks so much for having me," He smiles, pulling away from the hug. I watch and smile.


From behind my mum, I hear small feet running down the stairs, and a loud bang hitting the last floor. Nathan. He loves skipping the last step and jumping onto the floor, and Elsie follows behind him.

"Y/n!!!" Their little high pitched voices make me smile.

"Hi guys!!" I crouch down as they run into my arms, hugging them tightly, and they seem to hug me even tighter.

"Goodness, I really missed your hugs," I say, giggling breathlessly as they let go, and I stroke their cheeks, giggles coming out their mouth.

Elsie lifts her head to look up at Miguel.

"migwel!" She still can't pronounce it properly. Miguel crouches down to the twins height and she hugs him. I raise my eyebrows, surprised as he turns his head to me, smiling. He obviously misses his family to.

"Hey Elsie! It's so nice to finally meet you again!" Nathan runs into his arms to.

"What about me?!" Nathan says, Miguel standing up so that he was holding the twins in his arms.

"Yes," He giggles. God I love his laugh.
"It's very nice to see you to again Nathan." Nathan giggles and I can't stop smiling. Neither can my mum. I can finally sleep knowing that my family loves and approves of Miguel.


I then hear another set of louder footsteps coming down the stairs. Did my mum have someone over?

"Hey mum sorry the twins-" They pause. John. My older brother. He'd obviously returned from university just last night and mum had forgotten to tell me.

My mum begins to introduce him to Miguel.
"This is y/n's older brot-"

"Who the fuck is this?!" My brother storms to the door, looking at Miguel who was holding the twins in his arms.
"Let go of my siblings!" John shouts, going to grab Miguel's collar.

"Woah!" I put my arm out, grabbing my brothers arm.
"He's my co-star... and boyfriend, calm down John! Is this really what I get from you the minute I come home?! And language around the twins, gosh!" I look at him, ashamed of him.

"I-I'm sorry y/n, but welcome home!" He hugs me and I hesitantly hug him back. I catch Miguel out of the corner of my eye glaring at John, whilst the twins hug Miguel's neck.

"I'd forgotten to tell you your brother returned for a few months from uni... John. This is Miguel. Y/n's boyfriend... Miguel, this is John... y/n's older brother..." My mum says, looking at the both of them.

Miguel grunts and puts the twins down, clearly trying his best to be nice towards John.

"It's nice to meet you John." Miguel says. John just grunts and nods his head, slight tension in the air.

"Um, why don't we all come inside? I'll get both of your bags, y/n show Miguel to the bedroom he'll be in." I bite my lip and nod, holding Miguel's hand and walking inside, the twins rushing to their bedroom and John being forced fo help my mum with the bags and suitcases.

I apologise this chapter is so short! I was a bit tired writing this but give me suggestions on chapter ideas!

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