Part 22.

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Before this chapter begins, I just wanted to say thank you SO much for 1.66k reads, AND ranking #1 for fanbased and #1 for Miguel Cazarez Mora. Thank you so much! Enjoy 🫶🏼

Everyone stands at separate counters in the kitchen. Becca and I start cleaning and stuffing the turkey. We begin laughing after Mason walks over and begins gagging. God he's such a softie.

Whilst me and Becca are doing that, everyone else is helping each other with gravy, vegetables, puddings, stuffing and potatoes.


Eventually we end up finishing stuffing the turkey, and we put it in the oven.
"Well, what now? The vegetables are boiling, turkey is in the oven... now what?" Tristan says, turning to everyone.

Spencer and Jordan slowly turn to each other, smirking mischievously. Oh god what are they up to.

"CHRISTMAS MUSIC!!" Spencer shouts, running to the speakers and dragging them into the kitchen, turning on top christmas hits. We all laugh. Wasn't so bad after all. Madeleine grabs my hand and runs over to the speakers, dancing beside rm, as I begin to dance with her.

From time to time I catch Miguel eyeing me, grinning his face off. I giggle loudly and everyone ends up dancing. Even Miguel! I'd never seen him dancing before, I don't think that anybody has. I bite my lip as one loud, hyper christmas song comes on.

Miguel walks over to me and takes my hands. I look at him. He smiles and winks at me, and he begins to jump around and dance, holding my hands the whole time. We just had to make the most of it. We're all going home the day after tomorrow. So we must make as many memories as we possibly can.

I really am going to miss everyone. This is the best group of friends that I've ever had. I just don't want to leave them. It's been the best year I've ever had my whole entire life time of living. And if The Black Phone 3 isn't confirmed, I may just never see them again. I must make the most of this afternoon and tomorrow.


Our little Christmas dance party concludes, and we walk to the oven, taking out the chicken and putting all of the sides in bowls and on plates. Me and Brady R set the table whilst Miguel and Jordan put all of the food on the table. We all take a step back from the table. I sigh out of relief and grin.

I feel Miguel put his hand around my waist. He kisses the side of my head, a clear smile on his face. I nod my head and grin widely.

"Well done team, let's eat!!" Madeleine says. We all dash towards the table and sit down in our seats. Tristan and Brady H have a small argument over who gets one of the end seats, but Tristan ends up winning it.

"Thank youu" He says in a high pitched, girly, sassy voice.

We all begin to dig into our Christmas feast, but Madeleine picks up her glass with fake wine inside.

"May I make a toast?" Madeleine asks. Everyone obviously agrees, as they picks up their glasses.

"To y/n, the most amazing lucky girl, our amazing fandom and to The Black Phone 2. To everyone." She raises her glass and everyone says.
"Cheers!" Everyone clinks glasses and takes a sip. I was never told what the fake wine was actually make of, but it tasted like cranberry juice.


We all finished the food. Every plate, bowl, glass completely emptied. I lean back in my chair, completely stuffed after dessert.

"I'm stuffed..." Jacob groans, everyone nods, small groans and moans coming out of their mouths, food filled in our stomachs.

"Move marathon,?" Jordan asks.
Madeleine clicks her fingers and points at Jordan, winking.
"Christmas version."

Everyone walks over to the living room and I sit beside Miguel. He slides his arm around me and smiles and me. I put my head on his shoulder and lean into him. Mason to my right, and Tristan to Miguel's left. The first movie turned on was 'Elf'. God I love that movie.

Warm breath hits my neck and ear to my left.

"Happy Christmas amor." Miguel whispers in my ear. Blush fades slowly onto my cheeks and I gently whisper back.

"Merry Christmas Querido." He smiles at me and kisses me gently, I kiss him back and we turn our heads back to the television, watching the movie.


(11:04): I'm half asleep and everyone else seems to be to. We must have watched about seven Christmas movies by now. Miguel has both of his arms wrapped around my, my head still on his shoulder, my legs curled up into my chest.
Spencer, Brady R and Mason are fast asleep. They have to get a good sleep tonight, tomorrow is our last day. I sigh and stand up, stretching my arms and leaning back, seeing stars.


Becca, Brady H, Tristan, Miguel and I take the three of them to their beds, tucking them in as we breath heavily.

"Good night guys, Merry Christmas..." Becca says, I hug Miguel tightly and he kisses my head gently.

"Hey, could I talk to y/n quickly?" Becca nods and leaves, Spencer, Mason and the rest of the boys already back inside the boys bedroom.

"So um, my family went on holiday whilst we were filming." Miguel holds my hands, looking down at me hopefully.
"And... I can't get tickets all the way over there. They were supposed to get home tomorrow but it's been delayed by four days... and I refuse to stay home alone. If your family and you don't mind, could I stay at yours in the meantime?"

I laugh and hug him tightly.
"Of course you can! I'm sure my mom won't mind, and the twins would be so happy to meet you again, properly." He smiles.
"Thank you so much querida." He kisses my forehead and I giggle.

"Goodnight amor!" I say, walking to the girls bedroom.
"Night!" He shouts, blowing a kiss and he walks inside his room.

I walk inside the girls room and remove my make up, jumping into bed.

Christmas has always been my favourite holiday, but just because of today, it's 100% the best holiday ever. And I'm so glad I got to spend it with all of my best friends. I've made so many memories today and I can't wait to make even more tomorrow.

Realisation hits me.

Miguel is staying at my house for three days! Oh my god. Why did it never hit me? I'm sure the twins will adore him. My mum to. She seemed happy when I announced to her the news.

Overall today was the best day of my life. And I love these people, so, so much.

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