Part 21.

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"WAKE UP Y/N IT'S CHRISTMAS!" Madeleine jumps onto me and I groan.

"Ough-!" It came out as the sort of noise you make when someone hits you. But tiredly at the same time.

Slowly sitting up, Becca sits at the end of my bed and smiles at me, Bay and Reagan stood at the doorway, waiting excitedly for me to get out of bed.

"Okay okay I'm getting up-..." I grumble and stand up. I sit on a stool in the bathroom and do a natural make up look, also straightening my hair, running out to the girls and we all run downstairs.

The boys aren't in sight. But Becca said their room was empty? We search every room, then getting to the living room. The moment we take a step in, we hear
'All I Want For Christmas Is You'
Coming from the speakers. The boys pop or form behind the couches.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!!" Me and the girls cling onto each other, terrified, but laughing hysterically. God I love these boys. Miguel had clearly re done his hair, it can't have stayed like that over night. It was in a low ponytail, gelled and pulled tightly back.

Everyone was still in their matching pyjamas. There were presents under the tree. I'd already put my gifts for everyone last night. The tree was packed with presents under it, some were massive, some were miniature. It looked as if we'd bought presents for the whole city.


Everyone sits down except for me. I think to myself. Miguel is sat on the floor against the side of the fireplaces with his legs straight out. It's Christmas, and we all leave each other tomorrow. I sigh to myself.
I then sit down between Miguel's legs, I can already see Madeleine and the other girls preventing themselves from shrieking. Mason bits his lip and tries to hide his smirk by lowering his head. Tristan let's out a small chuckle. The rest of the boys grinning and winking at Miguel.

Slowly, I feel him wrap his arms around my torso and pull me back towards him, so my back was against his chest. I feel my cheeks go red, blushing intensely. My whole body goes hot.


"Soo, whose first?" Madeleine says.
"Guys open my gifts first!!" Brady R says. He crawls to the tree and takes eight gifts, passing them all out individually.

We all open them. All the presents were totally different, but suited us all perfectly. He bought me a silver diamond bracelet, and everyone gifts just as expensive.


Whilst I crawl in front of the tree and open my gift from Madeleine, my jaw drops. Her, Mason, Miguel, Tristan, and Spencer record me. It was all the photos from the red carpet printed out. God. Me and Miguel really did look like a couple in the photos.

And I really did look pretty.

I also move the photos to see the Gucci purse I'd spotted a few weeks ago in the stores at the mall, I gasp and my jaw drops further.

"MADDIE OH MY GOD!!" I quickly crawl to her and hug her tightly, tackling her to the ground, she laughs and hugs me back as we roll onto our sides.

"God what would I do without you," I giggle, sitting up and Madeleine does the same. She hugs me one more time and I crawl back to Miguel, sitting in the same spot between his legs.


Everyone opens my gifts. They all seemed to adore them. I got everyone jewellery, sketch books for the artists, expensive items with the extra money I had left and more.

I'd received new dresses, make up, expensive jewellery, the Gucci purse from Madeleine, a camera, a new phone case and much more, the cast knew me well. God I love these guys so much, I really don't wanna leave them.

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