Part 10.

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I'm sat on the kitchen counter, Miguel stood between my legs on the floor as he puts some cold heat gel all over my hand.

"The bandage is gonna be slippery for a while because of the gel so just be careful with it alright." Miguel says, not looking at me once.

"Yep... right." I look to the side embarrassedly, sighing as my hand throbs in pain.
Miguel begins to wrap my hand with the bandage and tape. I bite my lip and lower my head, exhaling through my nose.

"Could someone please wipe down the stove? It's really greasy, probably why the pan slipped." Miguel turns to everyone, waiting for a reply and he raises his eyebrows.

"Oh uh, yeah, right-" Mason is the only one to reply. He stands up and walks over to the stove, making sure it was heated down, and he wipes it down with tissues and towels.

Miguel finishes wrapping my hand, it was less tense around him, but there was still that slight percentage of it.

"Thanks." I say, looking at him.
"Anytime." He says, looking at me, and he immediately looks away from me. I sigh.
"You can look at me you know... I'm not gonna bite you..." I say to him. He looks at me and gives me a sort of small fake smile. I try to smile back, but knowing that his smile was fake, I couldn't resist faking one either.

I hear a camera flash from behind Miguel, and I quickly look up to everyone, all of them still around around the kitchen island.

"OH CRAP I FORGOT TO TURN IT ON SILENT-" Madeleine starts panicking and looking at Tristan.

"Maddie. Delete that. Right now." I say through my teeth, looking at her, and eyeing the phone in her hands.

"Mm- no?" She says, clearly unknowingly saying it, because she knew what was coming next.

I get down from the counter, Miguel moves out of the way so I could get down easier, and Maddie slowly gets off the stool she was sat at.
"Delete it Maddie!!" I shout.
"NO-" Maddie starts running down the corridor.

"YOU GIVE ME THAT PHONE!" I put my hand on the counter to push myself to gather more speed, and I run after her. I can hear everyone laughing at us from the kitchen. She jumps all over the furniture trying to get away from me.

Eventually we run back into the living room and I grab her shoulder, causing her to fall back onto me.

"Aha!" Everyone is stood at the living room double doorway, laughing at us as I take the phone out of her hand.

"Dangit." Madeleine huffs as I smirk. I may have a burnt hand, but I can still chase someone down.

I try to look for the photo, when I look at Maddie's Instagram.
"Oh shit, no no no no."
"What?" Maddie says, sitting up and turning to me.
"You posted it on your story!" I shout.
"What-?! No I didn't!" Maddie takes the phone from me. "Oh crap, while running my hand must've hit the phone while I was holding it!"

"How many people have seen it?" Miguel asks, standing at the doorway with everyone else. Maddie looks down at the phone and gulps.

"20k and rising..." Madeleine says.
"Delete it then!" I shout.
"Right-!" Madeleine says, tapping on her phone consistently, and eventually she deletes it, putting her phone down.
Madeleine stutters "It was only 20k people... c-can't have gone that far-"


After sitting in silence on the couch, not daring to look at any of our phones, everyone decided to turn off their phones completely to ignore all the notifications and mentions they were getting. Especially Miguel and me.

"I know!" Becca says, turning to all of us.
"How about we do a karaoke night to get our minds off things? You'll get a good sleep afterwards!"

"Hell yeah!" The boys shout.

Before we all knew it, Becca and Bay were running back into the living room with feather scarves and retro party glasses. And a disco ball with leds.

"Oh god," Mason laughs beside me.
I lean over to talk to Mason. "Do you think we have a choice?" I giggle as I speak.
"Nope." Mason laughs, we all leap up and put on the party glasses.

Me and Mason had a blue pair, Becca and Bay yellow, Maddy and Miguel pink, Spencer and Brady R red, Tristan and Jordan orange, and Brady H green.

The tv switches on and the led disco ball. We turn off the lights so just the rainbow leds were on, and we turn on the karaoke.
The first song was 'Made You Look' By Meghan Trainor, so all of the girls stand up and start singing.

The boys sit down and cheer us on as we sing our parts, co-ordinating with the colour of our glasses. Of course I just had to have the most parts.
I can't help but notice Miguel staring at me and smiling, and I couldn't help but actually like it and blush a small bit, but I continue smiling and singing. The boys take flash photos of us for Pinterest, Miguel takes a video of us girls singing and he puts it on his story.

The boys stand up and sing when it's their turn, doing the colour co-ordination to, as the girls sit down on the couch. They sang 'Teenagers' By Chemical Romance. I couldn't help but laugh whenever the boys pretended to be flirting with each other when we were recording them. Tristan grabbed Brady H's cheeks when he was singing, we all posted it on our stories.

The next part of the karaoke was the duos, so we all decided that the duos should be the people who are wearing matching glasses. It was yellow first, so it was Becca and Bay. They sang 'Only Love Can Hurt Like This' By Paloma Faith. The boys were pretending to be emotional and wiped their eyes. I just burst out laughing.

Next was blue, me and Mason. Our song was chosen, 'Levitating' By Dua Lipa, ft. Da Baby. We sang like there was no tomorrow. We danced and yet again, we were also recorded. Mason and I had an amazing bond, we'll always be best friends and we know that.

After everyone had completed their duos and we had all stuffed ourselves with popcorn and candy.

"I'm really tired, I'm gonna head to bed." I say to everyone.

"I agree, we'll all clean up and we'll be with you in a minute." Madeleine says.

I make my way to my room, putting the glasses on the bedside table, and the feather scarf over the bed frame on my bed. Tonight was one of the best nights ever. No fighting with Miguel, or anyone, we all had fun. And I didn't let a burn ruin that. Because it was full of love.

(I wish I had a friend group like that 😭)

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