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-Highschool au

-The chapters get longer and better now!


I frowned while listening to my teacher going on about the Irish war of Independance.Honestly,Its an american school so why do we even have to know about how Irish people drowned English kids.I started to zone out,I like history and geography and all but sometimes it can just be so boring.Honestly I just wanted to pass this class,its my only hope for a good report card.I tuned back in to what my teacher was saying,wait-?! Now she's going on about Washington..?
Oh great,how did Ireland get turned into George Washington whilst I was daydreaming.Yep,I'll never pass this class.Just then the teacher announced we were going to be doing a group project on what we just took down in our notes.I decided I could just let whoever I was put with do most if not all of the work.That sounds like a jerk thing to do but listen,I have not been paying attention one bit since I stepped into this classroom,and hey.Maybe I could pay them back for it later.She started to put us in twos for the project.."Ok Caroline you go with Nikki..." Just then I heard my name be called."..And Zak you go with Darryl." I thanked my lucky stars thst I was put with him,because hes like super smart.Who needs google when you have Darryl around? Im not friends with him,we never even talked before but ive always thought he was kinda cute.He got up,took a chair and sat down beside me.Only as he was walking towards me I realised how tall he was,like...super tall.He sat down beside me."Do you have any A4 paper?" He asked me.


He was really handsome up close.Atleast a 25,if you can even go higher than 10.I wouldn't know,Ive always been a 6 or 7.Then I realised he had just asked me a question,"O-oh,uh...yEah" I replied,I instantly cringed at the voice crack I just had.

did I just stutter? Oh god...

I got the paper from under my desk and handed it to him."So...Darryl,is it?" I knew exactly what his name was,I just wanted a good way to open the dumb question I was about to ask."Mhm!" He chirped,turning to me."What year was it again..?" I asked him,sheepishly,that was probably made clear more than twice."1918 to 19..wait hold on a second- where you even paying attention..?" He asked.I laughed nervously "Not really" I replied,rubbing the back of my neck nervously.Darryl continued writing on the piece of paper I gave him,his eyebrows were furrowed and he kept mumbling something angrily.I put my hand under his chin and moved his head so it faced me.I swallowed the lump in my throat and my kissed him on his warm,soft,pink lips.He  quickly pushed me off him.I felt a million eyes on me,both our faces went red as he asked to be excused,which our teacher granted.As he got up and headed toward the door he turned around and gave me a dirty look.I wanted to dissapear,I could hear people whispering and I was so embarassed.I didn't even know what I thought was gonna happen! He only did the most logical thing he could have done! I then realised I had just embarassed Darryl too,I felt awful.I needed to apologise to that adorable man! And I needed to do it fast.

After class I had a free period which was when I decided to look for Darryl.I looked everywhere I thought a cute nerdy kid would usually hang out.I checked around the halls,the library and the  boys bathroom.Basically I looked absaloutely everywhere for this man and I couldn't find him.I felt awful,I embarassed him infront of like 31 kids! I couldn't believe what I had done,I probably made him so uncomfortable! Why did I have to do that?!

-Darryl POV:

I got up from where I was sitting outside and began walking back into the school,I only had five more minutes until the bell rang so I decided id get my books.I opened my locker and put my books in,thats when I heard a faint sniffling noise,it was quiet and almost unnoticable.I found it was coming from an old closet that was cleared out and no one uses for anything.I knocked on the door,I know I probably should have just opened it but Id feel invasive if I did that,and if im being honest im so weary about peoples privacy.When I didn't hear anything I pushed the door open.What I saw wasn't something I would have expected at all..

"Zak?"  I questioned,the small boy was curled up in a ball on the cold,dirty cement floor with tears in his eyes."O-oh.. ~sniff~ hey..D..Darry..l" He stuttered,he had an embarassed look on his face,I shut the door behind me,I realised that when I did so the room became pretty much pitch-black.I bent down to his level.It upset me when I realised Zak must have been crying in here in this cold,dark closet."I..im s..so sorry about ~sniff~ this m..morning..I wasn't thinking..I...I..."
I cut him off by placing my hand lightly on his mouth."Shhh.." I shushed him,I tried to be as comforting as possible."It's okay,really...I..I'm gay so it wasn't that weird to me I guess.." I blurted out,I instantly regretted saying that.If he got the wrong idea he could figure out I liked him! If he found out and didn't feel the same I think i'd just die."O...oh...same.." Zak replied.Both our cheeks went pink for a moment.

-Zak POV:

Oh my god wait..HE'S GAY TOO-?! I started internally squealing like a little girl.Even so,I didn't stand a chance and Darryl is way out of my league.I was still crying a little when Darryl wrapped his arms and his long legs around my waist,he sort of koala hugged me.I loved the warmth of his embrace,I hugged him back,we sat there cuddling for a while.Suddenly his grip on me loosened and he looked me dead in the eyes."I believe I owe you something..?" He smiled,I honestly had no idea what he was talking about..Suddenly he pulled me into a soft,passionate,warm kiss.My eyes widened and my cheeks went a scarlet red,he giggled whilst kissing me.It was the best feeling in the entire world! I felt butterflies swarm my stomach,they were fluttering so much it almost made me sick.I didn't want anything to ruin this moment for me.Though,my first actual kiss with the boy of my dreams was in a cold,dirty closet.Darryl deserved better than that.It should've been in a field of roses,a park filled with cherry-blossoms,somewhere in Paris or a place he always wanted to go.But it felt heavenly,I didn't want it to end.Suddenly the bell went off and our lips seperated."W..wow...." I mumbled."What? Do you have a crush on me or something?" Darryl giggled,I knew that he knew the awnser.And I knew he knew I knew that I was gonna say yes.I nodded shyly in response,he could still reject me at any moment."Well,Zachary.I guess you don't have a crush anymore....You've got yourself a boyfriend." Darryl smirked at me.I blushed again,more than I ever had before.He slid a little piece of paper into my pocket as I got up to walk out of the closet.

Once I was back at my locker I took the note from out of my pocket.It was Darryls phone number.I looked around to see if anyone was there.When I realised no one was I squealed like a 12-year-old girl.This is the happiest ive ever been in my entire life.

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