♡︎𝕀'𝕝𝕝 ℍ𝕖𝕝𝕡 𝕐𝕠𝕦♡︎

178 13 20

Also i'm from Ireland and speak Brittish English.And I know alot of you are like american and say "garbage can" instead of "bin" and "Pliers" instead of "Tweasars" so whatever you usually say if my wording sounds a bit weird to you then you can just read it as whatever you would say it or read it as.Thx!

Darryl POV:

I was just walking down the pathways towards me and Zaks house when I heard a slight sniffling noise.I turned around,confused.I tried to look around for whatever or whoever was making that noise.I found it was coming from behind a nearby tree.I walked over to it and peered behind it.I saw Zak,curled up into a ball with his knees to his chest.He had tears streaming down his face and a raw,deep red cut across his eye.I gasped and crouched beside him."What's wrong?! What happened?!" I asked both questions at once in a hurry to get to the bottom of what had happened."I-I'm fine..." Zak stuttered,burying his face into his knees.I opened out my arms and put them around him.I cupped his head in one of my palms and turned it to face me.I looked at the 6 inch cut on his face.It was still red and bleeding,whatever happened must have happened not too long ago.Tears were still streaming down his face."Shh..shh..You're gonna be fine,I'm here."I shushed him,stroking his hair.A small,weak smile formed on his lips.He put his head onto my chest as I continued stroking his head.He winced a little when he put his head on my chest,my hoodie obviously touched his cut and I would imagine that was pretty sore."Come on you little muffin child.Let's get you bandaged up." I whispered,picking him up bridal style.I got up and began continuing to walk down the pathway our house.

Time skip! :)

I set Zak down onto our counter.I noticed that his cut had some tiny shards of glass in it.I was worried that he might get an infection so I went over to our cubboard and grabbed a pair of tweasers.I reaproached him and put the arm that didn't have the tweasers in it around his neck.Stay really still,you have glass in your wound.As I pulled out the three or four pieces of glass Zak winced a bit or pulled pained expressions but he was surprisingly still.I could probably never stay that still.Once I was done I double checked that there was no more glass or anything in his cut.Once I was sure I put the glass in the bin,grabbed a cloth ran it lightly under tap water.I turned back to Zak,"this might hurt a little." I informed him,cupping his face in one of my hands.I dabbed the wound a little with the wet cloth.Zak winced a little when I did so.I then got the other end of the cloth,which was dry and dabbed that on the wound to dry it."Y-You know I can do this myself.." Zak muttered,obviously embarassed."I know,But I want to do it for you because you're my muffin." I smiled at him,making his cheeks burn red.

Time skip :)

After I bandaged up Zaks wound I instantly scooped him up again."Wh-What are you doing-?!" Zak stammered,blushing uncontrolably again."Snuggles" I relpied,kissing him on the head.I quickly went upstairs and put him into his bed.I climbed into his blanket and giggled.Zak by now was a blushing mess so he quickly turned away from me so I couldn't see his face.I quickly put my arms around him,still giggling.Putting loads of kisses on his cheeks."A-Ah! Stop!" Zak shouted,trying to squirm out of my grasp.Eventually he got out of my arms.I furrowed my eyebrows at him.Zak giggled and quickly ran down the stairs so I chased after him fast.He managed to lock himself in one of our closets.Both of us were giggling as I tried to unlock the door to no avail."Open the door!" I tried to persuade him."Never~!" Zak giggled back playfully."Okay fine then.." I called out to him.Stamping my feet a little so it sounded as though I was walking away.After a few seconds the door creaked open and Zak cautiously stepped outside.I was quick to tackle him though."AH!" He screamed as I tackled him to the ground,giggling.Both of us lay on the floor,giggling like crazy.

Zak POV:

My heart started to race as I giggled at the boy ontop of me.ai was never this playful around anyone else.I never wanted to be this playful around anyone else,just Darryl.God he was gorgeous,breathtaking.I put my hand into his hair,small giggles escaping my mouth as I started playing with it.He nuzzled into my chest and held onto me tighter,he was so clingy! And I wouldn't have it any other way :)


I tried to make this a little like the chapter "Fanart" from a while back since I was told that was really cute and I do enjoy writing this kind of thing.Also big thank you to everyone,I would put their @s but I don't want to send loads of notifications their way,haha.

Also,i'm sure you know by now but votes are heavily appreciated! :D
It's just one click and helps Wattpad promote these oneshots to help others see it! Tysm for all the support ik I said that already but I just wanted to say tyyy!

Maths sum 👀?

★ > ✰ = ur cool

Also my dog has a message for u

Also my dog has a message for u

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Yes that is indeed my dog.

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