♡︎𝕆𝕟𝕖 𝕎𝕚𝕤𝕙♡︎

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Zak POV:

I groaned as I walked up my attic stairs,I had been putting off cleaning it for months now.But now that I had some free time I decided to just suck it up and get it done.When I got up there I looked around at all the dusty boxes and old objects.I had never had a look up here before and I think most of this was just left up here by the houses old owners.I walked over to a box and opened it.Inside was alot of old floppy discs.I guess this house was pretty old if they still had those.I was pretty sure you needed those to work a computer a few years ago? I thought it was pretty cool none-the-less.

What am I even going to do with all this stuff?

I wondered.I was definitely going to have to figure that out before I did any cleaning up.I decided to look in the other boxes to see what else was in them,maybe I would wanna keep some of that stuff! Surely the old owners didn't if they just left it here so it's technically mine to keep..right?
I peered into another box that was open beside it.There was alot of random stuff in there..Like some antique glasses,..gloves and some weird ass looking lamp.The lamp was golden and had a weird pattern running along the side.It looked like that one lamp from Aladdin which my sister forced me to watch with her.I picked it up and examined it,it had flowers and spirals on its design.I jokingly rubbed it a little but what happened next I did not expect.

The lamp started to glow a bright yellow."Ah!" I shouted,dropping the lamp onto the floor.I backed up on my back to the far wall from it.Just then a man appeared infront of me."Wh-Who are you?!" I stuttered at this random guy who appeared in my attic."I'm your genie of course! But you can call me Darryl! Pleasure to be of service to you master." He replied,bowing infront of me like I was some kind of God or Emperor."You dont..Look like a genie" I commented.It was true,he didn't.He was pale and had green eyes and fluffy brown hair.He wore black robes with red stripes at the sides.And glasses on his face.The only thing genie like a bout him was that he was floating a little in the air."Psh..Not every genie has purple skin and dresses like some kind of Buda." He exclaimed,crossing his arms.I'd be lying if I said his angry face wasn't cute."*Ahem* Anyways,I'm here to grant you a wish! Anything you like! But I have 4 rules..

1: No making someone fall in love with you

2: No bringing people back from the dead

3: No wishing for more wishes!"

He chriped,I tilted my head in confusion.."And..what's the 4th rule..?" I asked."For the love of god Dont ask for a hamster..that ended very badly last time..They put it in a microwave..that poor hamster.." Darryl sighed.I was absaloutely horrified at what he just told me but I decided to just forget about it."So what's your wish?" He asked me,smiling warmly at me."Before I say ny wish..how long have you been in that lamp anyways..?" I asked curiously.The genie frowned,he looked a bit sad,his eyes were cloudy and seemed to be lost in thought."A long time...Probably more than 8 years..People always use me for awful wishes and well..sometimes I wish I wasn't al-" Darryl stopped in his tracks and didn't finish that sentance."Alive?" I asked,a feeling of guilt washed over me."That's none of your buisness now is it?!" He shouted,tears starting to form in his eyes.I took a deep breath.."Well Darryl..I know what I want to wish for." I smiled.

Darryl POV:

"Okay,anything.Just tell me." I responded,wiping the tears out of my eyes.

"Well..I wish..

...for you to be free.So you won't have to be in pain like this anymore."

I was taken aback by this."Master y-you're making a mistake! Wouldn't you want to wish for Money? Fame? Infinite power? Your own galaxy? A hamster? Oh wait scratch the hamster-" I exclaimed."No one in their right mind would use up their only wish on someone they just met! I'm worthless to you! The whole thing is you make your wish and then I go back to whatever hell hole I came from.." I said,trying to persuade him to wish for something actually important.Or something that would even slightly benefit him at all."Well,You have four rules,and I don't see this on anyone of them.So its allowed right?" He asked,a small smile appearing on his face."W-well yes..It's allowed b-but.." I tried to think of what to say."Y-you..really want me to be free?" I stuttered.Zak nodded in response."Okay.." I replied.I snapped my fingers,granting the wish.

Zak POV:

My eyes lit up as he snapped his fingers,I was glad I was doing the right thing rather than wishing for a billion dollars or something...which was my second idea..I watched as the lamp shattered into lots of small pieces in an instant.I jumped a little in surprise.Darryl glanced over at the small shards on the ground.He looked so relieved,like a giant weight had been lifted from his shoulders.I smiled and hugged him,I was just happy he was free and okay.I looked up at the taller boy,he looked tired,but still happy.I scooped him up."You tired?" I asked him.He nodded slightly but he had an embarassed blush on his face.I decided to take him downstairs to get some rest.

I lay him down on the spare room bed and flicked off the light.Just as I was leaving I heard him say something."Hey uhm..Can I have a hug?" I turned around and smiled,he looked very cute.I walked over to him and hugged him tightly,causing him to fall backwards onto the bed.I nuzzled into him and smiled.

the rest of my life is gonna be pretty weird huh?

A ☆ ----> ★ would really help :) tysm!

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