Only her

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Chapter 12:

Y/n pov:

We're one week later and we're going at the airport to welcome Scarlett and Lizzie who are back from their honeymoon.

« Rose my love. It's time to wake up » I woke up Rose softly.

« I want sleepy again » she said not opening her eyes making me smiled.

« I know baby but you can sleep in the car »

It's a little early for her so I scoop her in my arms and walk downstairs to join everyone in the living room.

We ordered a cab so we take it and get to the airport.

When we arrive, there're already a lot of paparazzi. But we keep going and go to where we're supposed to wait for Lizzie and Scarlett.

« Y/n are you and Hailee back together? »

« Are you gonna be at the awards ceremony? »

« Why are you with Scarlett's daughter? »

« Florence? Are you and Alycia back together? »

A bunch of paparazzi asked us question and took pictures of us.

« Guys please she has a kid in her arms » Hailee said pulling her arms around me and Rose to keep us safe.

They apologized and ask nicely if they can take a few pictures more respectfully.

I understand because it's their job but they can be annoying sometimes.

I absolutely hate paparazzis, some of them are mean and disrespectful. They followed Lizzie to her house, they sexualized Scarlett, and they don't respect privacy.

Like asking me if I was back with Hailee. I'm sure that tomorrow, there'll be some articles saying some shit.

But I learned to live with this. Like every other celebrities and I want to protect Rose from that world. And I know that Scarlett is doing her best to protect her as well.

So as she's under my protection, I'll never let anyone put her in danger.

« You okay? » hailee asked. She always want to know if I'm comfortable and I think it's the cutest thing.

« I love you » I said without thinking.

Amazing y/n.

Perfect to keep your distance.

« Oh uh I- I love you too » she said surprised.

« I'm sorry I- just uhm it spilled out of my mouth. But it's your fault, you always care so much for me »

« Is that a bad thing? » She asked confused « no of course it's not but you don't make things easy »

« I- Uhm I'm confused y/n »
« I mean that you don't make things easy for me because you're so nice and caring to me and the only thing I want to do is kiss you »

« Oh I can't help it but I'll try to stop if you want »

« No Hailee. Ugh you're so cute. Don't change for me okay. Stay the way you are. You're perfect » I said making her blush.

« You don't make things easy too you know » she said making me chuckle « sorry »

« What about we wait to go back home so we can talk? » she said and I nodded.

« Yeah sounds good » Florence come back with coffee for us and we drink it while waiting for the couple.

Rose is still sleeping in my arms. This girl can never get distributed it's crazy.
I honestly don't know how she's still asleep but I guess she was pretty tired.

I wake her up when I see her moms arriving. She's a little lost at first but when she spot them, she gets up and run toward them.

They share a hug and I can't help but look at hailee who's next to me. I want this. I want a kid with her.

I will never love someone like I love Hailee and I only see her in my future.

Which is probably a bad thing. I don't know. Maybe I'll end up hurt again.

I'm honestly lost. I need a few days all by myself to think.

« Hey my besties » Lizzie said as she hugged me.

« Hey lizard » I said hugging her tightly.

« Oh I know someone who missed me » she chuckled a little. « I did yes » I smiled at her.

She hugs Hailee, Flo and Alycia while Scarlett hugs me.

We talk a little about their trip before paparazzis spot us and start coming back.

We decide to leave before a group forms around us. We say goodbye to the girls and Rose cry a little not wanting to let us go.

« How about tomorrow night you all come to my place for a dinner? So we can talk more » I suggested and they nodded.

I go back home with Flo, Aly and Hailee and I get to my room to be a little alone. I think I need to think clearly about what I should do.

I'm lost, and I need advices. The best to give advices is my sister, so I decide to call her.


I want a girlfriend. Where the hell can I find one?
I feel like everyone around me is finding their other half but not me.

I'm loosing hope honestly. And writing fan fiction isn't helping lol 😭

But anyway nobody cares, what do you think of the chapters? Are Hailee and y/n taking too long to get back together or is it okay?

Do you want more drama? Or idk, I don't have ideas lol

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