Meeting the father

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Chapter 26:

One week later

In one week, a lot has happened. We decided to cancel the diner with my parents because it's too soon to tell them.

We just learned it and we need to sort things out first.

We went to the hospital again for an ultrasound. The baby is healthy and we can get the gender in a few weeks.

Hailee is still not accepting the fact that she's pregnant but she's letting me help her and she's taking care of herself and the baby.

Today, we're meeting with the father of the baby to tell him.

Hailee want me to come with her so that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

We're currently driving to a coffee shop in New York where Adam, the father, is waiting for us.

« I'm nervous » Hailee said « I know bubs. But it'll be okay. I promise »

« What if our- the baby have to grow without their father? What if he takes the baby away from us? »

« Well if he doesn't to be in his life, the baby will have us. Your brother, and all of our friends. Trust me, RDJ will be here. Always » I chuckled.

« Yeah you're right » she chuckled as well. « The baby will be loved. I promise. It's already is loved » I smiled.

« And if he wants to take the baby, then we will fight. I know really good lawyers »

« Thank you for being here » she said looking at me. « I want to be here. So thank you for letting me do this with you »

After a while, we arrived at the coffee. Hailee didn't tell him why she wanted to see him so he doesn't know I'm here or anything.

We enter the coffee shop, hand in hand, Hailee squeezing my hand hard.

He stand up and greet us. I can see the surprise when he sees me and mostly when he sees us holding hands.

« Hi Hailee. Hi » he said awkwardly waving at me.

We sat down and ordered a drink. « How have you been? » he asked hailee.

« Good. I missed my life here. And you? Are you back for real or are you going back to Spain »

« I'm just here for holidays. I'll go back in a week » he said and she nodded.

She's moving a lot. She seems really nervous. I put my hand on her thigh feeling her calm down a little.

« The reason why I wanted to see you is that... I- I'm pregnant. And it's well it's from you »

He looked at us shocked.

« I- but- we- we were protected » he stuttered starting to move uncomfortably.

« Well I guess it happens »

« God- oh fuck. I- I'm too young to have a baby, and I live in Spain. I don't have much money »

« I'm sorry Adam. I'm not putting any pressure on you. You can be here for the baby, like you can be the cool uncle. Just know that the baby will be loved. I have a lot of people around me » she said looking at me with a small smile.

« you're the famous y/n? » he said and I nodded « Hailee talked about you. She really missed you » he said and I smiled a little at him.

« The baby will have two moms. I will be here for them of course. But I would prefer to be the cool uncle. Who buy them a lot of things. But if you need anything, I will help you » he said.

« So... you don't want to take the baby away from us? » she asked.

« No. of course no. I don't want kids, and I'm sorry that you're in this position now. It's kind of my fault. I would never take a kid form their mother »

« It's not your fault Adam. It's nobody's fault. It was an accident » I said and he nodded.

« I would like y/n to have a legal right on the baby » Hailee said surprising me.

« What? You- you don't have to do that » I said shocked.

« I want to. We're doing this together. I want you to be the baby's mom too. If you want it of course »

« I want it » I smiled. We looked at Adam « that's totally fine with me » he said smiling a little.

« I would want the baby to know who their father is too. I don't want to lie to them »

« I understand. But... we could do like I'm the donor? You know so legally, I'll be the donor and you'll be the mothers. I don't really know much about laws but I think it can work? »

« I have a friend lawyer. I will ask her for more details. But I guess we can » I said.

« And for your family? Your parents? »

« I don't know, they could see the baby from time to time...  if they want. But if you're ready to have a family, then I'll give you all the rights for that »

« You don't want to have any right on the baby? »

« I'm not ready at all. And I'm sure you'll take a better care of them than me »

« Listen, take time to think so you can be sure. Talk about it with your family and we will set up another meeting to talk more about it »

« Ok. I will talk about it to my family. And I will call you for another meeting. But I'm sure of myself » he said.

We talked more and we left the coffee.

« Well it went good » I said when we entered the car.

« Yes. I'm reassured » she said closing her eyes.

« You okay? » I said concerned « yes, we start to sort things out and it makes me less nervous »

« So you want me to be the mom? » I asked happily. « Of course, you're already the mom »

I smiled widely at her words. « I told you Haiz. Everything will be fine » I said kissing her hand.

« Are we going back home? » Hailee asked when she saw that I took another road.

« Nope baby, I have a surprise for you »


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