Are you free tonight ?

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Chapter 13:

5 days later

It's been a few days since Lizzie and Scarlett are back.

I haven't talked with Hailee because I preferred to be alone.

I did a photo shoot for chanel and it was a lot of fun. I'm now in the first page of their magazine and it feels weird but I'm so happy. I'm proud of myself.

I have a new acting project and I can't wait to see how is gonna be.

It's a marvel movie where I'm the main character. Im so excited because I'll have my own marvel movie.

It's such an important role. I know that I'll shoot with Hailee and Florence.

I honestly don't know if it's a good thing or not to shoot with hailee.

But I'm excited. I miss her a lot. I just need her comfort more and more every day.

Anyway so yesterday we had the first read table. So we read the first script and all...

It's gonna be a lot of work for me but I can do it. I want to do it.

Anyway, I met some people of the staff and cast and everyone is so nice and amazing.

We start filming in a month and I can't wait. I have to prepare myself for this role. I have a lot of pressure on me. I can't fail.

It has to be amazing. I have to satisfy everyone who believes in me.

So I have to train every day for one month.

And right now, I'm going to Scarlett and Lizzie's house.

Brie is gonna be here and I can wait to see her because since the wedding, I haven't saw her.

When I called her last time, she gave me some advices.

She said that I should listen to what my heart want. She said that I should talk to Hailee about what I feel.

I've thought about what's stopping me from going back to Hailee.

It's just that, I'm scared that I'll end up hurt again.

But I'll still end up hurt if I decide to stop seeing her.

Because I know that we can't be friends. I can't be friend with someone that I love.

I'll definitely have a conversation with her soon.

But for now, I'll see my sister again.

« hello my dear » I said hugging Scarlett when she opened the door. « Hi bitch » she said making me laugh.

« Brieee » I said hugging her tightly when I entered the living room. « Hi sis I missed you »

« Me too, so much » I said pulling away.

« How are you? » she asked. « Still a little lost. But I hope that I'll talk to hailee today »

« I'll always be here okay? » I nodded and the doorbell rang.

Scarlett go open it and hailee, Flo and Alycia entered the room.

Lizzie and Scarlett tell us more about their holidays.
« We went to Italy, France and Spain. Let's just say that Scarlett don't speak  either Italian, French or Spanish » Lizzie explained making us laugh.

« Come on its hard!! French is the hardest one though »
« Yeah believe me it's hard, French was the hardest language I had to learn »

« You speak French? » Alycia asked me « oui je parle français » i said proudly.

« Je parle français aussi » Rose said making us laugh « yeah and you're good at it » Rose speaks French too because her dad is French.

When it's lunch time, we order sushi and eat together on the couch watching a movie.

« How have you been since I last saw you ? » Hailee asked me.
« Lost. Really lost » I sighed.

« Y/n, are you free tonight? » She asked taking me by surprise.

« Uh yes, yes I am. Why? »
« I want to take you out, so you know, we can talk »
« Sounds good. I think we need it »

When the movie is finished, Brie and me got back to my house.

I took a nap and then got up to get ready. I don't know if it's a date or not but I'll dress good anyway.

I put a shirt, a pants and a blazer and do my hair and makeup.

At 8pm the doorbell rings and I get down to greet Hailee.

« Hi angel » she immediately said. I'm not going to hold long if she talks like that.

« Hi you're gorgeous »
I said kissing her cheek. She's wearing a white shirt with a black pant and a black blazer.

« You are too. Are you ready to go? » I nodded and took my hand bag and we left the apartment.


What do you think will happen tonight?

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