You will loose me

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Chapter 24:

When Hailee woke up after a few hours, she cried, and apologized again.

I took her back home so we can have a proper discussion. I'm nervous, like really nervous.

I mean, I have the right to be stressed. She's fucking pregnant. But it's not her fault, she didn't mean to get pregnant. I'm sure that she's blaming herself right now. But I can't blame her.

She's going to give birth and I need to be here for her. I want to be here for her.

I had time to think about the situation.

I'm young to have to take care of a baby, but it's here now and we have to be ready. I don't know what Hailee wants to do and that's why we need to have this conversation.

I'm currently cooking dinner for her. It's almost 9pm and she looks exhausted. She doesn't even look at me. I put on her favorite show but she doesn't even watch it. She seems lost in her thoughts.

"Here bubs, eat" I said, placing the bowl of soup in front of her. I sit next to her but she doesn't move. She stay frozen. "You need to eat Hailee. Please" still no answer.

"fine. you're giving me no choice. You haven't eaten since this morning. This isn't healthy for you and for... for the baby"

"I don't want to eat" she simply said. "I know. But you have to. Please"
"come on. Just a few spoons" I hand her the bowl.

"Do I have to feed you?" I smiled a little but it quickly faded when she refused.

I sighed "I won't let you hurt yourself Hailee. Please eat"

I took the spoon and placed it in front of her mouth. It breaks my heart that we're at the point where she doesn't want to eat anymore.

But she finally took the spoon and started to eat "It's okay Hailee I promise" I said reassuring things to her with each spoon she took. At the end, she's crying but it's fine, she needs to let her emotions go.

After a while, she finishes the bowl and I place it on the coffee table.

"I'm sorry for doing this to you" she whispered. "It was an accident Hailee, it happens"

"why are you still here? Taking care of me when I did... this to you?"
"Because I love you. And it's not your fault. But now it's here and we need to deal with it"

"I don't want to abandon it" she whispered "and that's totally fine" I said.

" But I don't want to do this to you. I will go back to LA and my parents will help me"

My heart shattered "absolutely not Hailee. You're not leaving me" I said "you don't deserve this y/n, I'm going to ruin your life if I stay"

"No. I don't deserve you leaving me again. I want to do this with you Hailee. I love you and I already love the baby so there is no way I'm letting you go"

"I love you so much y/n. And that's why I have to go. You're too young, you have an important job and the baby will take you too much time" she said getting up.

"But I don't care! What I care about is you and the baby. I will find time, our friends will help us, our family will help us. It's just us Hailee and now it's us and the baby"

"I can't" she said, taking her bag and walking toward the door. "Stop this Hailee! you're being mean"

She put her hand on the door handle "I'm so sorry" she cried. "Lisent Hailee, if you leave right now, you will lose me forever. I'm ready to do this with you. I love you. But if you leave now you can forget me"


It's heartbreaking to write this 🥹

Do you think hailee will leave?

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