Late night talk

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Surprise!! 2 chapters for you. I really like this chapter and I hope you'll like it as well.

Chapter 8:

Y/n pov:

« Oh uh hi » I said getting her attention.
« oh sorry, I didn't know you were here. I'll come back when you finish »

« Don't be silly Hailee, come here » I said patting the place next to me on the bench.

She comes and sit next to me and we fall in a comfortable silence.

« Can't sleep? » She asked and I nodded « you too? » I asked back and got the same answer.

« We should talk » I said because I know that if things aren't clear, I won't be able to stop thinking about it.

« what? » she said confused.

« To be friends again we have to talk. To say everything we have on our mind. It's not by hiding our feelings that we will communicate again. And I think that we will see each other a lot by now. It can't be awkward every time. You know that talking helps with everything »

« I know yes. Someone very smart learned me that » she answered and I smiled a little.

I turn to the side a little so I can face her and she does the same.

« You can start » she said and I nod trying to find my words.

« Firstly, I told you to go to Spain because I didn't wanted to be selfish and keep you to myself. And if I had to do it again I'll tell you to go. Because you're so talented and you deserve to have a job that make you happy » I do a pause before continuing.

« This year was... the worst year of my life I have to say. At first when our relationship became toxic I thought that it would get better but I was wrong. It became worse and worse.
Every time we called we argued and seeing you this broken... this wasn't healthy anymore and the best decision we could make was to break up. As much as it hurts.
The first months without you were awful. I couldn't sleep. I wanted to call you just to hear your voice. I just wanted you to hold me and never let me go » Im trying so hard to hold my tears.

I wait for her to talk because I don't have anything more to say. I don't think I can talk anyway.

She takes a deep breath and close her eyes.

« Okay, uhm I- I'm so sorry y/n you don't imagine how It hurt me to saw you like this... this broken. I didn't care about me.
The only thing I could think was you. And I thought that the better way to make you happy was to broke up with you. And believe me it was the hardest decision of my life.
Living in Spain was awful. I didn't have friends or anyone to talk. Every night I thought about, about coming back you but I didn't because I thought that it would break us more.
So instead I called Florence, Alycia, sometimes Lizzie and Scarlett I even called Brie to know how you were doing.
The only thing that kept me in Spain was my job. I loved to work there but it wasn't enough to make me happy because you're the only thing that can make me happy.
Now I'm here and seeing you again  hurt but make me so happy at the same time. I don't know how to explain but I missed you so much and I don't think that I'll be able to leave New York and leave you again even if it's to be friends with you, I need you in my life y/n »

I want to sob hearing her words, it's so reliving that I'm not the only one happy to be with her again as much as it's hard.

« Thank you for being honest and thank you for making me and my happiness your priority.
You know, being with you was the best choice I've made in my life.
You made me trust myself more and more everyday and you helped me grow up so much.
You helped me dealing with my anxiety and even now when I have a panic attack I think about how you used to help me calm down. So thank you for changing me in a good way »
I said before hugging her. She's surprised at first but she quickly hugs me back.

« You were and always will be my priority. Wherever I am I'll always be here for you » she whispered in me shoulder.

« I hope that you know I'll do the same for you » I said pulling away from the hug and she nodded.

« I know. Thank you for trusting me with telling me your feelings. And I feel better now. I hope that you'll accept me in your life again »

« Hailee, you did nothing wrong. That's not about me letting you be in my life again. It's about us letting each other be in our lives again. So stop blaming yourself Hailee »

We talk a bit more before going to bed because we're tired. I feel so relieved after this talk and I feel like we can be at least friends again.

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