Amusment day

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Morning chapter just for you guy's <3

Chapter 9:

Y/n pov:

The morning after I wake up hearing rose move.

I open my eyes and see her sitting on the edge of the bed. « Hey love, are you ready to go to the tree climbing? »

« Yesss I can't wait » she said excitedly.

« First I have to go to a photo shoot if that's okay »
« I come? » She asked
« Yes because it's close to the tree climbing and it's easier for me »
« Okay! »

We brush our teeth and we go in the living room to take a breakfast.

« Hi everyone » I said to the 3 girls who are already taking their breakfast.

« Hi how did you sleep? »
« Good » « prefect » me and Rose answered « what are you going to do today? » I asked them.

« Uh me and Alycia are going out for an interview. What about you? »

« Well I have a photo shoot and after I promised rose to go tree climbing. What are you doing Hailee? » I asked her.

« Um nothing » « want to come? » I asked her making Rose cheers « yes please! We've haven't done anything together since years » she said dramatically making me smile.

« Are you sure? » she asked looking at me. « Of course » I said simply « ok sure then » she said making Rose cheer again.

« Be ready in one hour. I have a photo shoot first »
« Okay » she said before going upstairs to get ready.

After we are ready, the 3 of us get in my car and head towards the location of the photo shoot.

We arrive in a few minutes and the staff immediately take me in charge, they do my hair, my makeup and I try clothes.

When im ready we do some pictures and I try different poses and I have to say I feel pretty confident with those outfit.

I usually don't like photo shoot but the people here are so nice and Hailee is here so I feel more safe I guess.

Even if she doesn't say anything, just her presence reassure me.

Hailee pov:

Okay. She's going to kill me. She's way too hot.

It's been 5 minutes since she started and she's doing this like a pro.

It's not the first time I see her doing a photo shoot but this time I don't know, she's more powerful. More confident.

And in one year she's gotten prettier. And I didn't know it was possible.

She tries a new outfit and this one is hotter. If she continues I'm gonna have a heart attack.

« Auntie are you okay? » Rose asked taking me out of my trance. « Uhm yes of course. What do you think of the new outfit? »

« I love this dress » she said talking about the dress y/n is wearing.

After an hour, the photo shoot end and we leave to go to the tree climbing.

When we arrive, the instructor explain us the security rules, and we try a first course for kids with Rose.

When we're all good we do a better course. Rose is only 8 so we don't do the big things but we're still having fun. Her giggles are enough to make us happy.

After two hours of laughing and having so much fun we leave the tree climbing but we decide to go on a park before going back home.

Rose is playing in the swing while we sit on a bench keeping an eye on her.

« Thank you for inviting me. It was a really good day » I said to her « You'll always be invited. And Rose really missed you » she said making me smile.

She looks at me with her beautiful eyes.
We look at each other for a few seconds in a sort of trance.

Suddenly, we heard screams.

We quickly looked at rose and saw her laying on the floor sobbing loudly.

Y/n pov:

We ran towards Rose and I quickly scooped her up in my arms. She can't stop sobbing and it scares me.

« Baby can you tell me where are you hurt? » She's trying to talk but she keep sobbing and she can't breathe « okay can you take deep breath for me please? Do it with me okay? 1...2...3... that's it keep breathing please » we continue to breathe in and out until she can talk.

« Hurt auntie »
« Where does it hurt my love? »
« Arm »
Hailee looks at her arm and it's already starting to swell up.
« I think it's broken »
« Oh my poor baby » I said kissing her forehead.

We went towards my car and start driving to the hospital « auntie » Rose kept whining « I know babe. We arrive soon » I said stroking her hair while Hailee accelerate a little.

After a few minutes we arrive at the hospital and the doctors immediately take her.

We go in a room and the doctor start to examine her arm. « Can you call flo and Alycia please » I asked Hailee and she get out of the room to call them.

I'm so mad at myself right now, Scarlett and lizzie trusted me to keep an eye on Rose and when I'm supposed to watch her, she breaks her arm.

They're going to kill me. And I would kill myself if I was them.

Hailee entered the room again « they're coming. Are you okay? »She asked seeing my nervous face.

« No I'm not Hailee. I had one job. They trusted me with their daughter for one week and I'm not capable to keep her safe »

« Y/n you did nothing wrong, and they will understand that. It happens to everyone. She's a kids, she will gets injuries. It's not your fault y/n »

« I- I have to call them » I said still panicked. I took my phone and called Scarlett trembling.

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