The best girlfriend

533 21 16

Chapter 21:

« Haiz? Can we talk? » I said after everyone left the house.

It's about 1 am, the dinner was good but I kept thinking about Hailee's behavior.

« Why? » she asked while cleaning the table.

« I need to know why one time you're all cuddly, and after, you're crying or you're mad. Is something wrong? Do you feel pressured or something? »

« No y/n of course no. I don't know what's up with me honestly. But I'm on my period so it's probably that. I'm sorry if I made you feel bad. You're just the only thing that makes me happy right now. I'm just a little moody I'm sorry » she explained.

« Okay baby. But please tell me now if you want a little space or else. If you want my attention tell me as well »

« Thank you my love. You're the best girlfriend I could've ever wished for » she said making me smile.

« And you're the best as well. I love you » I pecked her lips.

« Please don't leave me. I know I won't be able to recover from it »she whispered in my neck.

« I won't I promise. I won't be able to recover too anyway so you're stuck with me for life » I said.

« I'll marry you one day » she said making me smile widely.

« I love you » I said putting my forehead on hers « I love you too » she answered closing her eyes.

We stayed like this for a few minutes before she talks again « how about we go to sleep? »

« Im tired » I said in her neck. « I know bubs »

« Fine, I'll carry you » she chuckled.

She scoop me in her arms and she walks us upstairs.

We quickly brush our teeth and I lay down in bed.
« Babe, no pajamas? » she asked « Hmm » I answered « can I take off your clothes then? »

« Yeah » she took off my shirt, bra and pants, put a sleeping shirt and lay me under the cover « here. Sleep baby » she kissed my forehead.

And in a few seconds I'm fast asleep.


The next morning I wake up alone in bed.

I go downstairs and see Hailee who just finished cooking breakfast « pancakes? » I said excitedly.

« Yes » I walk towards her and hug her from behind « thank you baby. You're the cutest » I said making her blush.

I peck her lips but she decided to tongue kiss me. I open my mouth and our tongue dance together for a few minutes.

« Okay let's eat » I said taking plates for us.

We eat while talking about what we have to do today.

« I have to go in a studio to work for my next song » she said and I squealed « yesss I can't wait »

She chuckled « you're my number one fan »

« Absolutely! Even when we weren't together anymore, I still listened to your song. It made me cry sometimes but I loved it »

« You're the cutest » she said kissing my cheek.

I see her expression change to a hurt one. « Ow » she said putting her hand on her belly.

« What's wrong? » I said concerned « I- my belly- Fuck » she said making me more concerned.

« Is it your period? » I asked she nodded.

She breathe in and out and I give her medicine and a glass of water.

She gets upstairs and take a quick nap in our bed.

I stay next to her in bed in case she's getting hurt again. I have my hand on her belly, slowly stroking it.

After half an hour, I feel her wake up. She opens her eyes and jump out of the bed, running to the bathroom.

I run after her and find her throwing up in the toilet.

I put her hair in a ponytail and I stroke her back, showing her that I'm here.

« Are you feeling better? » I asked when she finished and leaned against the wall.

She slowly nodded. I take a tissue and wipe her mouth.

« I want to go back to sleep » she said and I nodded with a small smile.

I'm really concerned for her. She never threw up due to her periods.

We go to bed and I take her in my arms.

She fell asleep in a minute but I can't seem to fall asleep. We will see how the day goes but I'll definitely get her to the doctor if it continues.


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