Chaotic dinner

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Chapter 28:

two weeks later

It's actually 8pm and my parents should be here in a minute. We invited them for dinner today. We think it's the right moment to tell them. Hailee is almost 5 months pregnant and we got a new ultrasound appointment today.

All of our friends are already here and they're all ready to support us.

I'm nervous as hell, I won't lie and Hailee is not helping. She's making sure that everything is perfect. I can feel that she's stressed.

« Haiz come here » I said sternly and she instantly came, making the other laugh. I give them a look meaning shut the hell up and they all instantly shut up.

Sandra, Sara and Cate are here too but they still don't know for the baby.

« Don't stress bubs. it's no good for the baby » I whispered so only Hailee can hear. « I'm here, everything will be okay » she nodded and pecked my lips.

« Okay guys, because our parents are coming, we would like to tell you something. Hailee is pregnant. Long story short, it happened when she was in Spain and she had a pregnancy denial. We're gonna tell our parents today »

« wow. I have so many questions » Sara said. We explained everything to them from the day where we learned the news to now.

After all the explaining, we heard the doorbell rang.

« Fuck please guys help me » Hailee said to the other making them laugh. I laugh as well but I'm scared too.

I open the door and see my parents standing here. « Y/n oh it's been so long my girl » They both hug me and we enter the leaving room.

« Where is my other daughter? » My father said, he and brie hugged and brie greet my mom as well.

When they pull away Brie introduce Elijah « this is Elijah my boyfriend »

« Hello mrs and ms Larson it's nice to meet you »
« Nice to meet you too. Finally » my mom chuckled. « hi girls » they both said to the others girls.

I can see that Hailee is uncomfortable so I go towards her and discreetly put my hand in her back.

She give me a grateful look and I smile at her. I turn my gaze towards my parents and I see my mom looking at us with a raised eyebrow.

Before any of us can say anything the doorbell rang again and I almost run to open it.

« Auntie! » rose gave me a toothy smile before jumping in my arms. I scoop her up in my arms and greet the moms.

« Save us please » I whispered making them laugh.

They entered and greeted everyone. Now that we're all here we sit on the table and start eating dinner.

Hailee is so cute, she's asking my parents if they need anything and she's talking with them.

My parents are... well I don't know, they're nice but I can feel that they want to say something.

After a few minutes, my mom spoke up « so y/n are you and Hailee together again? »

Here it is. The question is finally asked.

« Yes we are » I said not letting room for discussion.

My mom starts to speak up « are you sure? You had your heart broken too many times and- »

I feel Hailee tense next to me.

« No. Stop right now. Yes I had my heart broken but I forgave her. Now she's here and nobody is leaving. I love her and I know you're scared for me but... I'm happier than ever and maybe that I'm taking a risk but I'm willing to do this if it means that I get to be with hailee »

« I'm pregnant »

I turn to look at Hailee « are you kidding me? » I said shocked.

« Excuse me what? » my mom said.

I looked at Hailee « I'm sorry y/n. I panicked »

« Who panic this way? » I said looking around the table. Brie, Cate, Sara and Sandra are trying to not laugh.

« How the fuck did you get her pregnant » Brie said to me making everyone laugh except my parents.

I look at my sister and start laughing with her.

« What's so funny? Can you explain us what's happening? »

« Hailee is pregnant, she had a pregnancy denial. It happened when we weren't together, she was in Spain. We learned it a few weeks ago and it was, well it is a hard time for Hailee »

« I didn't want to ruin y/n's life with... my problem. I had a few mental breakdown but y/n was here. She is here and I'm so grateful for her » she said making me smile.

« So you're going to keep the baby? And you will raise it together? » my dad asked.

« Yes. It wasn't planned but now it's here and I want to do this. I already love the baby so much »

« What about the father? »

« We saw him. And he said that he wants to give us all the legal right for the baby. We saw him again a few days ago and he told us that he wants to be a kind of donor » I explained.

Adam told us that he is sure of his decision. His family won't take the baby away from us. And they will think about seeing the baby or not.

But they agree that Adam is not ready for a baby. He doesn't have a stable situation and he doesn't want kids anyway.

« I'm sorry, I need to- I need to go take some fresh air » my mom said getting up and leaving the apartment.

It hurts me a lot. But I understand, it's a big news, she needs to think about everything.

« I will go see her » my dad said following her.

Hailee got up and left the table.

« Fuck » I sighed.

« Well it wasn't that bad » Brie said.


This chapter make me think of one of the dinner in grey's anatomy (the one when everyone learn that perfect penny killed Derek) I hope you know what I'm talking about lol

I really hope you still like the story, the baby is a big change and I know that some people are septic so tell me if you have any requests.

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