Happiest moment ever

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Chapter 41:

Y/n pov:

« Hey girls » I said opening the door to the big three.

« Hey sweet » cate said giving me a hug.

I hug Sarah and Sandra as well and they get in the living room where everyone is.

We're currently at Scarlett and Lizzie's house for the gender reveal

It's only our close friends and our family so it's a really chill party.

We're in the garden just enjoying the sun and the moment.

The three girls are the last people to arrive so we will reveal the gender in a few minutes.

Everyone is excited and they instantly turn towards us excitedly. « Thank you guys for being here with us. It's so important for us to share this moment with you and we're really grateful to be here » Hailee said with a big smile.

« Rose can you come here bubs? » I called her and she happily came running.

« Do you want to tell everyone if your cousin is a boy or a girl? » I asked and her eyes widened.

« Yes! » she grinned jumping up and down.

We talked about this and decided that telling rose first was a cute way.

« Come on » me and Hailee crouched down in front of the little girl. « are you ready? » I smiled when she nodded quickly.

I looked at hailee, telling her to go on.

She leaned in Rose ear and whispered « the baby is a girl »

Rose gasped and jumped up and down.

« Yayy!! » she turned to face everyone.

« Tell us! » they all said not taking the suspense anymore.

« Its a girl! » Rose squealed happily.

Everyone gasped and cheered. Some thought it was a girl and some a boy but everyone is happy anyway.

I looked at Hailee, my cheeks hurting from smiling too much.

Her eyes as sparkling with pure joy and she as happy tears in her eyes.

I wrap my arms around her and kiss her forehead. I then stroke her belly « All your family can't wait to see you baby girl » I smiled.

Hailee pecked my lips quickly and we turn back to our family.

They all come turn by turn to say something to us.

« You grew up too much » Scarlett said making me smile.

She knows me for a few years now.
She saw me evolve in my life and in my career and she's like my other big sister.

« And you're old » I teased making her roll her eyes. « Just kidding » I said innocently.

« I love you y/n » I feel my eyes getting glassy at her words.

I bite my lip, trying to contain my emotions. « I love you too » I said before hugging her.

I breath out trying to not let any tears escape.

She smiled at me before letting me talk with Lizzie « I'm so happy and proud of you »

« Thank you » I breathed out, not being able to hold my tears anymore.

I talked a little with everyone. « Who will be the god mother and father? »  Lizzie asked excitedly.

« We had a hard time choosing. But the god father will be Griffin. And the god mother will be Brie. It was the most logical choice to do »

Brie and griffin both looked at each other and grinned. « of course, we will raise our daughter with all of you. We want her to learn early that family isn't necessarily blood related  and you will all be her aunt and uncle » Hailee said and I nodded.

We all continued to talk about anything and everything.

Everyone gave us little gift for the baby and it's the cutest. She already has more clothes than me.

We did some shopping a few days ago and her room is almost ready, only a few details and it'll be perfect.

Sarah and Cate are already planning to prank me and Hailee with the baby.

Lizzie is ready to babysit while me and Hailee are spending time alone together.

Rose can't wait to meet her cousin. Brie and Scarlett already want to spoil the baby.

Florence is planning a cooking with flo with our little girl.

And Hailee and I couldn't be happier.

We just can't wait to meet our baby girl and being able to see her.

I looked directly into Hailee's eyes with all the love I can show her.

She cupped my face with her hands and kissed me so passionately that I felt like dying.

« I love you so so much » she said when we pulled away.

« I love you more bubs » I pecked her lips a few more times.

I'm so grateful to have my family here with us for this amazing moment. And I couldn't be more happy to be here, with the love of my life.

Sorry for the wait guy's. I've not been feeling really well this past weeks. Writing usually helps me a lot but I couldn't find any motivation.

I hope you still enjoyed and I'll try to post again soon.

See you guy's soon <3

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