When everything goes wrong

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Hailee pov:

Brie just called me. Y/n is at Scarlett's house crying because she had a fight with her mom.

I'm telling you right now that she's going to hear about me. I'm almost 9 months pregnant of twins and I have no empathy anymore.

I arrive at Scarlett's house finding my girlfriend with red and tired eyes.

I walk to the couch and sit down next to her. « come here » I open my arms for her and she instantly nuzzles up against me.

I stroke her hair and give her head kisses making her calm down a bit.

« Call her » I tell Brie « what? » y/n says as everyone looks up at me.

« I want to have a talk with your mom. Call her and tell her to come here »

« are you sure about- » Brie starts but I cut her off « Brie I love you. But I'm very very moody lately. So call her before you regret standing against me » I say and she immediately complete and I can see Lizzie and Scarlett holding their laugh.

Brie calls her parents while I try to calm my girlfriend down.

Once she stopped crying she just rest against me without saying a word.

And 20 minutes later they are in front of the door. Scarlett make let them in and as they walk into the living room, I see y/n's mom looking at me from head to toes.

« Hello » Brie greets them. « Why are we here » she says coldly with dark eyes.

« Mrs Larson with all the respect i owe you, you are going to apologize to y/n. I am so tired of you being stuck in the past. I am 9 months pregnant. You're going to be a grandma! Can't you just be happy?! I'm not asking you to like me. But for fuck sake leave y/n alone » I stop my speech breathing heavily. But my attention quickly shifts when I feel a something wet fall down my legs.

I look down noticing that the floor is drenched with water.
« Oh my god » y/n's mom said. I feel a sharp pain on my stomach making me whine.

« oh god Hailee! » y/n gets on my side and hold me.

« it's happening baby » she says with tears in her eyes.

« No ! I'm not done talking and I won't go to the hospital till your mom apologize to you » i say to y/n but looking at her mom.

« Hailee come on! Don't be stubborn. We need to go »

« I'm waiting » I say ready to give birth here if y/n's mom doesn't apologize.

« Damn she's not joking » Scarlett says giving me a high five.

« Look baby, I don't need her apology because I have you. And soon our babies will be here. I want them to be safe so please let me drive you to the hospital »

I look into her begging eyes. She's right, I need our babies to be safe and I'm not going to risk that for y/n's mom.

« Fine. But I'm not done with this » I say looking right into her moms eyes.

« Thank you my love » she looks at me with eyes filled with happiness and hope. « We're going to have our babies y/n oh my god » I start to realize now. Wow this is really happening.

Our life is going to change. But for the better. And I'm so glad that y/n's here with me.

« Okay y/n drive hailee to the hospital and I go at your house to take her bag » Brie says and quickly leaves the house.

Everyone start to be in a hurry. Lizzie decided to drive us because y/n's so stressed that she's shaking which I find very cute.
Scarlett is staying home for now with Rose but they'll come later to see us with Florence.

Me, I'm fine. Except for when the contractions are killing the shit out of me. But nothing I can't handle right?


We now arrive to the hospital and I'm telling you that y/n has to hold me so I don't fall on the floor because of the pain.

« Baby stop I can't! It hurts so much » I say literally laying on my girlfriend as we walk inside of the hospital.

« It's not normal that she's so hurt » Lizzie says looking worried.

I feel myself turning pale. I am shaking at this point and I feel all dizzy.

« Hailee look at me! Stay with me baby » is the last words I hear before letting my body fall into y/n.



Everything seems to go so fast and so slow at the same time.

I tell lizzie to call doctors immediately. I am freaking out what if it goes wrong? What if I loose one of them?

I'm cut out of my thoughts when doctors come with a bed to put Hailee on.

Shes awake but almost passing out. I give the necessary informations to the doctors but they ask me to stay out of the room.

« What? No! I can't leave her alone she's my wife » I'm surprised by my words but I need to go with Hailee to make sure she's safe.

« I'm sorry, you can't come with us. We'll keep you updated » he says before going away with Hailee. Lizzie grips my arm « she'll be okay y/n »

How am I supposed to stay here and wait till someone tells me what's happening?

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