I miss you

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Chapter 43:

It's now time for me to go.

Hailee will join me in a month and I already can't wait.

I'm leaving with Florence and we're now at the airport.

When it's time for the goodbyes, I look at hailee with a small smile.

She has tears in her eyes and it breaks my heart.

« I will see you soon bubs. You call me whenever you need. And if there is a problem with the baby you instantly tell me I don't care if it's in the middle of the night » I told her and she nodded.

« Same for you, you call when you need me » she said her voice cracking a little.

« I love you to death » I kissed her quickly but lovingly.

« I love you y/n » she smiled letting a tear escape her eye.

I quickly whipped it and kissed her forehead. I then crouched down to be at the same level as her belly.

« Good bye my little baby. Mama will miss you so so much. Take care of mommy I will see you both soon »  I kissed Hailee one last time and me and Florence left to board the plane.

Once I'm in my seat, I let a few tears escape my eyes. I've been holding them back for a week now.

I feel so guilty for leaving her like this. But it had to happen at some point.

This is a part of our jobs I guess.

« You okay? » flo asked me concern filling her eyes.

« I am » I gave her a small smile.


Hailee pov:

I've been home alone since this morning now and it's so sad.

Since I'm getting bored I decide to get ready and go to Scarlett's house because it's always more fun with them.


« Hey girls! » I yelled entering their house.

« Hey Haiz » Lizzie said from the kitchen. I join them and we chat a little.

« Rose's not here? » I asked not seeing the little girl.

« No, she's visiting her dad »

« Okay. Want to go out? » I asked feeling the need to forget that I'm alone.

« Uh yeah why not? » Lizzie said after Scarlett nodded.

« Okay get ready I'll be back in an hour! » I said leaving the house to go get ready.


After a lot of struggling for finding an outfit, I finally decided to go with a suit because I want to be comfortable.

Scarlett text me saying that they're ready so I pick up my pace and finish getting ready.

I check my phone every now and then to see if y/n has arrived but nothing.

She should land soon so I'm not worried.

I already miss her and I can't wait to be with her again.

When I'm ready, I take my car and join the girls to their house.

I arrive in front of their house where they're already waiting for me.


We arrive to a rooftop where there's already a lot of people and music but nothing too loud for the baby.

We choose something calm and chill because I get easily tired.

A few friends of the girls joined us and I'm having fun so far.

Suddenly, I get a text, I look at my phone to see a text from y/n.

Love bug 💗
Hey baby, I just landed, I will call you when I'm in my hotel room. Love you💗

Cuddle bug 💗
Be safe baby. Love you💗

I text her back being excited to call her. I'm okay now that I'm with my friends but I know that when I'll be alone, I will miss her like crazy.


I'm now back home, it's not really late but I feel exhausted. My belly is growing more an more and I feel tired for a simple effort.

I quickly get ready for bed and just as I lay down, my phone ring showing a picture of y/n.

« Hey love » she said as soon as I answered.

« Hi » I said my voice filled with sadness.

« What's wrong? » she her face feel with concern.

I don't answer and just cry. « Hailee? Tell me what's wrong »

« I'm sorry. I just miss you so much. It feels like I've been holding my tears all day. I'm feeling so empty » I sob loudly.

I see her eyes getting watery as well. « I'm sorry Hailee. I'm so sorry »

« It's fine. I'm just really emotional » I tried to wipe my tears.

« I miss you haiz » she said which make my heart melt.

We talk a few minutes until I feel my eyes closing.

« you're tired. Go to sleep bubs » she said as I yawned.

« Bye bye y/n I love you » I said already drifting to sleep.

« I love you bubs, it's just us. See you tomorrow. I love my baby too » she said making me smile softly.

It's going to be okay.


Hi, I'm sorry for the wait. I can't tell you that I'm coming back right now but I will try my best.

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