Auntie Brie

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Lizzie pov:

We are around a week later. Scarlett and I went to the ultrasounds for the baby today. Everything is okay thank god.

We decided to tell Rose today about the baby. Saying we are stressed is an understatement.

She never really talked about having siblings. So we don't know what she really thinks.

She's currently playing in the living room while we watch her from the kitchen.

« It's time Scar » I touch her arm making her look at me.
« We could wait till she figure it out herself » I chuckle « You know it is not possible »

« Okay, let's go » I say not letting her choose.

We walk to the living room and sit on the couch. « Rosie? Can we talk to you for a minute? » I start.

« Did I do something wrong? » she says with a look of panic. « No my girl! Of course not » Scar rushes to say.

« Then what's up? Mama looks stressed » Rose says about Scarlett and I have to hold my laugh for a second.

« You're right sweetie. She's stressed because we want to talk to you about something important »

She sits there just looking at us, waiting for the important thing we have to say.

I take a deep breath and just drop it « I'm pregnant. Me and mama are going to have a baby. And you're going to have a little brother or sister »

She looks at us for a minute without saying anything. Let me tell you that this minute is long. But we give her time to process.

« But how?! I thought two women couldn't have babies » she lets out. If I wasn't that stressed I would've laughed. But I'm panicking.

Seeing that I don't answer, Scarlett finally start talking. « You're right Rosie. We had a bit help for that. We had a donor. And he helped us to have a baby » she tries her best to explain a 7 years old little girl.

Rose thinks for a minute, her brows furrowed. « Can you call auntie Brie? » she simply said.

This surprise the both of us but we decide to just listen to her and call Brie.

« Brie? Are you free right now? » I ask her a bit in a hurry.
« I just got out of my appointment so yes. Why? Something's wrong ? »
« Actually, could you come at our place ? Rose wants to see you. It seems important »

« Oh of course... You don't know what's about ? » she asks, as curious as we are.

« Come over and I'll explain » I say, not wanting to announce her that I'm pregnant on the phone.

She hangs up and only a few minutes later, she's at the front door.

Scarlett opens the door for her while I talk to Rose a bit.

« Auntie Brie is here Rosie. Do you still want to talk to her? » I ask to be sure. « Yes mommy » she innocently nods like she's not making us freak out at all.

« Hey my little bean » Brie excitedly smile to Rose. « Hey auntie! » She chuckles.

« Come my girl » Brie lifts our daughter up and walk to her room.

Brie pov:

I sit on Rose's bed, with her on my lap facing me. « Is something wrong Rose? » I ask her. We are very close. But she never asked her moms to call me because she needed me.

« A little yes » she looks down. « You know you can tell me anything. I'm here for you. I'll help you »

« How did you react when your parents told you that you'll have a little sister ? » I raise an eyebrow surprised.

« Well, I was very happy and excited to have someone that I can play with »

« Really? » she looks at me curious « yes! Y/n is my best friend. She's the best thing that has happened to me. I love her with my whole heart » I sincerely say.

She seems to think for a minute « what if my moms left me out when the baby is here? »


Wait a minute. I think I missed something. « Rose, are you going to have a little brother or sister ? »

She nods making me smile widely « Rose, your moms will never make you feel left out. You'll always be their little girl. And they will love you forever. Like they'll love the baby »

« You think? » she says, her eyes glittering a little « Yes of course! You don't have to worry about this. And you can talk to your moms about this. They'll be happy to reassure you »

« Thank you auntie! I love you and I wanna be like you and auntie y/n with my sister or brother » she says making me chuckle. She's the cutest.

I'm so glad that she called me. That means she trusts me to talk about what she's feeling. And I couldn't be more happy about that.

« Come on, let's go talk to your mom » we walk down in the living room finding Lizzie and Scar on the couch, looking stressed.

« So you're pregnant? » I smirk while Rose sits on Scarlett's lap « I am »

« I'm happy to have a brother or sister. I'll prefer a sister tho so we can be like auntie Brie and Y/n » she proudly states making us laugh.

« We'll see that in a few weeks baby »

We talk a bit more until my phone rings « it's y/n » I say to the girls, answering the phone.

« Hey what's up » my smile fade when I here her sniffing « y/n? What's wrong »

« I just had a fight with mom. I'm tired Brie. Why can't she just accept me? » she sobs.


Cute little chapter with a bit stressing ending

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