A new beginning

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Chapter 14:

We're now in the car driving towards- well I don't know.

« Where are we going? » I asked Hailee.
« Y/n, we did what? A thousand dates, did I once told you where I took you? »

« No. But I didn't know this was a date »

« It is. Well if you're okay with that »
« I guess I am... Do you think we can do this? » I asked looking down.

« Do what? »
« Be together again without breaking each other »
« I guess they'll always be up and down. But if we love each other enough we can do this »

« Hailee you know that sometimes, love isn't enough »
« I know but maybe it is. because we are here now, if we won't love each other, we won't be here »

« True. But I don't know Hailee, I'm so scared »
« I know, trust me I am too but we will talk about this later, just enjoy this night until it's time for the discussion » She said and I nodded looking outside of the window getting a little lost in my thoughts.

After a few minutes we arrive at the planetarium. I absolutely love the things in connection with the universe, the solar system...

« The planetarium » I whispered excitedly making her laugh
« yeah do you like it? »

« I love it! Thank you » I said hugging her tightly. « you're welcome beautiful »

We entered the planetarium but there's something odd.

« Why is nobody here? » I asked seeing nobody.

« It's closed but I asked the proprietor to let it open just for us »

« Oh my god, that's amazing thank you so much »

We do the turn of the planetarium hand in hand. I have stars shining in my eyes and I think it's one of the best date I did with Hailee.

When we finished the turn, Hailee took out a blanket of her bag and puts it on the floor.

We lay down and look at the celling « wow » that's all I can get out.

There're stars all over the celling and it's so romantic.

« It's a really good spot for a first kiss » she whispered after a few seconds of silence making me laugh.

« Not too fast flash McQueen » I said making us chuckle. « It's definitely a good spot for a first kiss though » I continued sitting up.

« We should talk now » I stated seriously. She nodded sitting up as well.

« The thing that I'm the most scared of is to be hurt again. To be apart from you again. I'll not handle a new separation Hailee. I need you so much and it's either we're together either I can't see you anymore. I can't see you everyday if we're not together because it hurts so much. Seeing you in-front of me and thinking that you're not mine and I'm not yours would hurt so much »

« So that's what you wanna do? If we're not together, you'll just avoid me? » She said looking down.

« Of course not. I love you and I want to be with you so much. But it's so complicated Hailee. We keep breaking us apart »

« I know. But now I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. We can do this y/n. Do you want to do this? »

God yes I want to do this. Should I?
« Brie told me to follow my heart. And my heart want to do this »

« What does your brain want? » she asked
« You. All of myself want you Hailee » I said putting my forehead on hers.

« Now, I won't go anywhere. I'm here with you y/n. It will work. I'll do my best to make it work because I love you. There'll always be moments where it'll be hard but it's just us y/n. Forever now. I'll marry you one day y/n. And we will have kids. Our family. And it'll always be you and me » she said still against my forehead.

« I'm willing to do this with you. I want to do this with you. It's maybe a risk but it's worth trying. Because I can't live without you » I said smiling.

« Can I kiss you? » she does the first step « Yes » and with that, her lips are all over mine.

My stomach explode with butterflies and I put my hands on the back of her neck while she puts hers on my waist making me straddle her lap.

Our lips move in sinc like they were made for each other.

With this kiss I feel complete again, it's like I found my other half again. My heart is full with her.

I feel her tongue brush my bottom lips asking for entrance and I gladly let her in.

Her tongue invade my mouth making me shiver. I put my hand on her cheek pulling her impossibly closer.

But after a few seconds she pulls away making me look at her confused.

« Y/n, before we start this again, I have to tell you something »

I nodded a little confused. « While I was in Spain, well- it was like 3 months after we broke up. I was miserable.
I wasn't seeing anyone, I was just working and going home. But one day, after I looked at all our pictures together, I decided to go out in a bar.
And there, I met a guy. He was American. It was good to talk with someone again.
I talked about you. And well, after a few drinks I- we- we slept together.
The morning after, I left and I never saw him again. He tried to contact me for sex but I just couldn't. I- I felt guilty because I kind of used him to forget you. But it didn't work »

Wow. That's a lot. I try to think about it for a minute and she lets me.

« are you mad? » she said after a few minutes.

« I can't be mad at you. We weren't together. Thank you for telling me. I appreciate it. It was a one time thing and you had every right to do that. I talked with a girl, but when she asked me out, I said no because you were still in my mind. And after this, I never talked to her again »

« So we're okay? »

« Yes. Now we can start on solid bases with a good communication. And that's how it works » I said simply feeling really at peace right now.

« It's just us? » she asked.

« It's just us » I answered before kissing her again.

« I love you » she said against my lips making my heart flutter.

Our tongue dance together again for a few minutes. It feels so right.
« God » I said pulling away out of breath « Hailee is fine » she teased making me laugh.

« No seriously, I'm so happy y/n » she said her eyes sparkling. « I am too, I feel so... complete. I love you » I said stroking her hair.

« I love you too » she pecked my lips again. I wrapped my arms around her feelings extremely cuddly.

« I'll never let you go now that you're mine again »

« I am yours again? » I said pulling away from the hug raising an eyebrow. « You are mine again » she stated confidently.

« Okay if you want » I said teasingly
« Bitch » she said playfully. « just kidding babe, I'm yours and you're mine forever now » I said kissing her again.

We make out again and again until it's time to eat. So we eat and make out again.

And when it's time to eat, we go back to my house and watch a movie while cuddling.

I feel complete again and it feels amazing.

It's a new beginning for us and I'm now ready to start a new healthy relationship with Hailee. And I can't wait to live my life with her.


YAY!! I'm happy now. I think they're so cute.

What do you think of Hailee's revelation?!

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