Chapter 2: Emergency

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"Wake up sleepyhead, we're going to be late for potions!" I hear a panicked voice in the distance and as I lazily open my eyes, an agitated Drax throws my uniform on the bed.

It's like an electric current going through me, I yank the blanket off me, and start to put my uniform on with haste. Everyone left the dorm already, that's how he was able to enter the girl's bedroom to wake me up. And boy was I glad he did. If I'm late from potions, the only subject I'm on a tightrope with; not only will I get detention, but I'll be hearing about my sleeping habits from the dungeon bat for weeks to come. So being late is not an option. Still, here we are, with five minutes after the bell rang, and me only pulling the zipper up on my uniform skirt. Drax is pacing in the room nervously, watching me get dressed, and throwing my books needed for the day in my backpack. Having missed breakfast, he brought me a makeshift sandwich from the morning feast, making sure I get a few bites after our first class. Watching him prepare my bag makes me realize just how grateful I am for this boy. He always helps me when I'm in trouble, and somehow knows what to say and when, to calm you down. I don't feel awkward changing with him in the room, we've been best friends since we were little, we know each other inside out, there's nothing to be ashamed of in front of him. I don't have time to comb my hair unfortunately, so with a smaller bird nest on my head, we sprint out the door towards the dungeons, hoping for a miracle that Snape won't say anything, but I know too well that the dark professor will be ruthless. At least with me, that is.

After last night's detention, I found falling asleep really difficult, tossing and turning in my bed for hours, with an inexplicable heat between my legs, and the image of Snape touching my skin and his sensual low voice repeating itself in my head. I was super frustrated with myself, so I stayed up nearly all night, not understanding what the hell was wrong with me. Some kind of strange reaction started to manifest inside me each time I thought about the potioneer, and I was slowly sinking into consternation. Whenever I heard his hushed, stern voice it was like millions of little ants started crawling all over my abdomen and my nether region. It was such a new sensation and so... unnatural, that I found myself disgusted at the thought of having a slight crush on the very teacher I swore to be an enemy to. I've played this teacher like a string for three years, and now some random heat engulfs me upon hearing his voice? Fucking ridiculous.

Annoyance bubbles up inside me as we arrive to the closed door, there's complete silence around us, I strain my ears to hear the faintest noise, but no voices can be heard from inside. Taking a deep breath, I open the door slowly, praying we can just scurry to two hidden spots in the back. But as soon as we enter, I hear the voice that makes my hairs stand on end once again.

"Can you provide a reasonable excuse as to why are you two late?" Snape asks, a serious light in his eyes.

"I overslept. Drax came to get me." I say simply, trying to save my friend's butt, and also not having the slightest mood for dealing with him today. My morning is already hectic, and I slept only three hours, so he's the last person I want to face now. Almost all eyes shift to me, some of my classmates stare at me with fear and pity in their eyes, some with resentment, some don't even dare to turn around, but they can tell, I pissed off the potion teacher first thing in the morning.

"You seem to take my class quite frivolously, Miss, seeing that you allow yourself to be late from it." he clearly didn't like my cheeky simple answer, and he stands up with a deep frown, coming towards us. I elbow Drax while keeping eye contact with the now quickly approaching blackness, sending him to have a seat fast, shielding him from what's to come. This is my fight, he's mad only at me. Snape couldn't care less about Drax, I am his number one enemy who stands up to him, who cannot be intimidated by anything he does. I sigh in relief internally, when I see Drax successfully sitting down to a desk, from the corner of my eye, and as I focus back on Snape, he already stands right in front of me. Again, with the total disregard for personal space! Bastard!

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