Chapter 22: The Wolf's Thievery

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Snape's office and bedroom became a sacred place for me after our delicious encounters. The vibe in these rooms has such a soothing and arousing effect on me, that if I could, I would spend all my free time here, just relaxing and watching Snape's everyday routine. As per the bat's request, I came down to his office after dinner, he very politely apologized and said he has a bit more grading to do, and I should make myself comfortable until then. I offered to help, but he refused, and now, bundled up with a blanket in a leather wingback, I'm eyeing my potion master, as he elegantly moves his gift quill in and out of red ink.

Before sending me back to my dorm, Snape gave me a vial of Felix Felicis too, fulfilling Dumbledore's request, but playfully threatening me that if I dare to use it on my upcoming midyear exams, he will know, and I shall be punished. Of course, I teased him, asking seductively, how hard will I be punished, to which he just pinched my butt and said he was serious. I reassured him, that he shouldn't worry, I'm still top of my class, and I don't need luck to pass the exams, although I'm a bit nervous.

Drax jumped me the moment I entered the common room, hugging me violently, barely letting me breathe. He was super glad to see me return, and after a few long minutes of teary reunion, Vincent stepped out from behind Drax with a smirk. Turns out, the cherry prince felt like something was not in order with this whole Rohan situation, so he pestered Drax until my poor friend spilled everything to him, thus Vincent asking Dumbledore if he could be a key witness at the trial too. I apologized to him for keeping my case a secret, fortunately, the Slytherin boy understood my reasons, and I finally had the opportunity to thank him for standing up against Rohan. We never thought he would resort to a dirty trick like this, and I was sorry Vincent lost his best friend, but the redhead confessed, that they weren't that close anyway, so it's not a big loss for him. I think with this, I got a step closer to Vincent, and we might even have a very nice friendship blooming in the near future. We discussed the details of his birthday party, which will take place right after the exams. This couldn't be more awesome, since it'll be the perfect time to celebrate.

In the end, my day went by quite nicely, I took a calming stroll near the forest, truly enjoying my freedom, and when the bell signaled dinner, the long-forgotten butterflies have come to life once more in my stomach. In one hour, I'll be with my dearest potioneer, and we can finally touch each other freely, without restraining ourselves. During the feast, I got a quite tempting order in my mind, Snape told me to drink the red liquid before coming to his office. When I asked him what the mysterious potion was, he answered with a 'you shall see' and left me hanging in curiosity. So, I had no choice but to gulp down the burgundy liquid before descending on the stairs -it's sweet taste honestly surprising me- and patiently wait for its effect. There was no immediate result, no change could be felt after the potion hit my stomach, so I shrugged, and made my way to the dungeons. Severus would never poison me; I trust him with this.

Coming back into the present, the book I borrowed from the professor's shelf lays open in my lap; the encyclopedia of ingredients for healing potions lost my interest long ago. The chilly office is only lit by the fireplace and the singular candle on Snape's desk, the master always liked to stay in modest darkness, the calming gray mantle suffusing over us. My eyes linger on Snape's elegant fingers, the soft scratching of the quill lulling my senses. I watch him tracing lines on the paper, and unconsciously, I press my pointer finger to my lower lip, opening my mouth just a rift. His hair seems a bit more wavy and voluminous, and the urge to run my fingers through it catches my being with full force. His concentrating gorgeous face is tempting and inviting, like a source of light for a moth on a summer night.

"Enjoying yourself?" his molten gold voice slips in the atmosphere, startling me a little.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to stare..." I start fidgeting with the corner of my blanket in embarrassment. A short pause with him watching my curled-up body, then his baritone resounds in the room again.

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