Chapter 19: Revelio

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I've been shackled for two weeks now. Teachers behave slightly different since the minister's visit, and their style of treating me is quite diverse. For starters, McGonagall became really cold, although I know she is supporting the idea of me being innocent. She feels insulted and disrespected after all those times I refused to listen to her, her way of talking is much more dry and distant. I can't say it doesn't hurt, I always loved and respected her, but until this circus is over, I simply can't do anything to change her outlook. Minerva needs to hear the verdict that I'm free to go with her own ears; only then will she ease up a touch. Although Lupin has been trying to warm her up a bit with reasoning words, the old witch just turned a deaf ear on them and kept that awkward atmosphere around us when I was in her class. Speaking of the DADA teacher, where McGonagall took away, Lupin was giving, because this man just became the father figure of the year. He was constantly asking me about how I feel and if he could help with anything to lift my mood, numerously offering to sit down and talk the problem out, randomly giving me small pieces of chocolate after the dark arts classes. I politely refused his offer to talk, I had my own confidant for that, but nonetheless, I thanked him for being so kind and looking out for me when I was at a low point in my life. Flitwick started gazing with an investigating eye, as if he were trying to catch me doing some rule-breaking during his class, but I just chuckled at how funny his behavior looked from the outside. I think he still found it hard to believe I was a rebel at heart, but I made sure to stay on my best behavior in charms. Sprout kept her nurturing and kind nature, she showed no changes, firmly stating, that my act was heroic in her eyes, saving a teacher's life and eliminating a dark wizard at the same time.

Snape also became more distant, now we had to keep up the innocent act more than ever. To be honest, I missed the teasing moments during classes, the unnoticeable small touches we shared when we passed each other in the hallway, the neediness I felt listening to him lecturing the class, but this cursed situation turned both of our moods into gloomy solemnity. Of course, I continued to get in smaller troubles and receiving detention for it, but we mainly just used that time to discuss every single detail about the night of the attack. The potioneer started teaching me how to talk at an official hearing, how to be convincing, and showing me psychological tricks to turn the Wizengamot on my side. The two of us used up every minute to work towards winning my case, and I drank up every word the potioneer was blessing me with. We finally started the occlumency lessons in his office, after successfully getting permission from Dumbledore, and to my surprise, I was quite good at getting the hang of silencing my psyche. I still couldn't hold a conversation with a still mind, but I was able to keep my thoughts at bay for longer and longer periods of time. Life changed in Hogwarts drastically for me.

The most annoying aspect of this whole fiasco was that I simply couldn't leave the castle. Not the grounds, the castle. My herbology classes were almost erased entirely, due to me not being able to walk over to the greenhouses. It was frustrating to say the least, constantly being surrounded by walls, not having the chance to go outside and take a walk next to the Forest or even just the backyard! I tried to cover the cuffs by wearing pants, but my friends still eyed me suspiciously when they invited me out and I refused every time. Drax knew of course, the first thing I did after Snape escorted me back to my dorm that day, was sit down and talk to my best friend. He was shocked and appalled by the events, and the boy swore with his hand on his heart that he'll do everything in his power to help. However, we agreed not to tell the news to Vincent, since he has direct connection to Rohan, and even though Drax trusts him, I'm still very cautious. Luckily, Drax understood my feelings and didn't take anything to heart.

So, it's a beautiful Saturday morning currently, and envy eats at me as I look out the window of my dorm to see the students departing to Hogsmeade. Drax volunteered to stay in the castle out of solidarity, just like he often did, since the door on my cage got closed. Now he's sitting on the big sofa, preparing to play some cards with me, so I tear my jaundiced eyes away from the lucky bunch at the main gate, and walk back to my confidant, collapsing onto the couch with a heavy sigh.

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