Chapter 5: I See You

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My progress in healing is splendid, Poppy is truly proud of me, and step by step I notice that I can mend injuries which the matron cannot or has great difficulty healing. I am often called to the infirmary for attending to minor accidents or non-life-threatening cases, and I'm more than happy to help the students. We are now in November, which means, a whole month passed since I started studying with Madame Pomfrey. I wasn't nearly done, since Poppy told me in advance, that my basic training would take a whole year, and only after that will I be sailing onto more difficult waters, like surgery and such. She said the Moody case was just a one-time thing, she would never let me heal someone like that before my time has come as a healer. Even then if the matron hadn't been there to help extracting the dark magic, I would have lost Moody's life, because the magic would have simply taken over me. So, I had to sit on my butt until I graduated. Which I found rather stupid, but I went with her perspective, seeing that she was the experienced one.

I pack my things in the DADA classroom, had a successful study session about hexes, Lupin making the Dark Arts as interesting as it can get. I love the way he explains everything with such kindness, demonstrating the spells in a way even the most stupid students understand how they work. These types of teachers value more than gold in my eyes, and I am eternally grateful to them for their patience in teaching us. Drax leaves as soon as the bell rings, potions being our next class, so he has to prepare for it. I am the last to leave the room, and before I can go out, I hear Lupin calling out to me, preventing me from leaving. I turn around, as he walks up to me, with a kind smile.

„Please forgive me for keeping you up, I just wanted to congratulate you for your brave act of saving Moody's life. I hope you will become a wonderful healer."

„Oh, thank you professor." I smile back at him, his sudden compliment catching me by surprise.

„I see a troubled light in your eyes, tell me, can I help you in any way?" Lupin asks me putting his hand on my shoulder like a good father. He is able to read people so well, nothing escapes his notice. Truly, a thought have been troubling me. I have a feeling in my gut that my magic can be improved in some way, shape or form, but I just can't seem to find a lead to that improvement. I am satisfied with my progress so far, but this feeling in my stomach prompts me to search for more. I'm somehow aware that this force is the same magic which was sending me after Moody that day, and it pushes me to search outside of the normal healing curriculum's borders.

„I just feel a huge drive to prove myself to Madame Pomfrey and also to myself. I keep getting hints from my sixth sense to broaden my search, to improve my healing, but I can't seem to understand what exactly it's hinting at. All I know is, the information is outside the usual healing's borders." I explain, with a slight frown, leaning my behind on the edge of my table. Lupin looks like he's trying to come up with a helpful answer, but after a few seconds of pondering, he just asks me,

„How exactly does your healing work? Describe it to me in a nutshell." he has a curious light in his eyes.

„Well, I have these magical strings coming out from the tips of my fingers, and I can connect them to the patient's brain, taking complete control of their organism, making it heal faster. Briefly, that's all." I say simply, and I truly hope Remus can come up with something, seeing he is very deep in thought. He mimics my posture, leaning against another table, facing me, grasping his chin as the cogs are turning in his mind.

„Are you able to take over only their body, or their mind too?" he asks shifting a narrow look to me.

„What do you mean, professor?" I ask, confused a little.

„Well, since your magic allows you to enter people's brain, I assumed, if you can take over their body, you have access to their memories and feelings also." he says doing a fine gesture with his hands.

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