Chapter 40: Father

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A/N: Thank you for your patience, I haven't been posting for a while, had some difficulties here and there, but I hope this extra long chapter makes up for it! I love you all, and I'm so grateful for those still being here and sticking with my little story. You are literally the best. Happy reading!

"I think your father is finally accepting my presence in your life." Sev opens the entrance door with a smirk, letting me in the house first, in true gentleman fashion. 

We've just returned from my parents; after the shocking finish of my first year at Hogwarts as a staff member, I really wanted to visit my family for a dinner. I needed to calm my nerves. And thank Merlin I did, because a remarkable and unexpected scene developed after our little feast. The miracle of all miracles, dad didn't send any kind of snide remark towards my partner the whole time. 

What's more, we were able to have a nice meeting, with warm conversation and a loving atmosphere; the tension finally dissipated around us. My dad, true to his word, made great effort to leave the past behind, and accept Severus as my chosen one. I watched them with a swollen heart as they deeply conversed about potions and brewing techniques on the sofa, laid back with a glass of firewhiskey, while I lent a helping wand to mom in cleaning up. We're finally starting to become a family.

Naturally, I'm spending summer at Severus again, I've been waiting for this ever since I graduated. The small house on Spinner's End feels like home more than ever, now that we're not facing restrictions anymore, and no promises hold us back from spending our vacation together. I practically moved in to Snape altogether with this step, now that I think about it.

"I agree. I never thought you two would get along so well. You seemed to find the perfect wavelength with him. Two Slytherins at their finest." I hang my spring coat with a smile, while Sev locks the door securely. "It made me happy to see you like this."

The warmth diffusing in my torso reaches my bat as well, and he closes the distance between us with a homey gaze, sliding his fingers under my ear. The air is positively buzzing around me, and Sev seems to enjoy it too, effectively letting himself be infected by my great mood. He leans down and kisses the happy sigh off my lips, swallowing it for himself, then, I'm slowly guided in the living room, right next to the worn-out sofa.

"My happiness is brought by your radiant being, love. I need naught in this world, but to see your gorgeous, ethereal face." he murmurs his romanticism onto my mouth, and I get a few more pecks. Dear god, I can't get enough of him.

"Oh Sev... I love you so much..." I drape my arms around his neck, and squeeze his body tight to my form. We get lost in each other's taste for what seems like an eternity, and when the lack of oxygen becomes too much, he pulls away, a thin string of saliva keeping our lips connected.

"Tea?" he stares down lovingly.

"Yes, please. Put some honey in it too, I would like something sweet." I lay back into the couch.

"I thought my kiss was enough." Sev looks back at me smugly, staining my cheeks with a rosy tint and making me gasp at his comment.

"Shoo, you cheesy git!" I throw a small pillow at him grinning, but he dodges and disappears in the kitchen with a cheeky chuckle. A sigh leaves my throat while my head tips back onto the backrest, and my eyelids drop slowly, asking for a short rest.

"At least now you have one good connection with a father figure in your life..." the pondering words slip out on their own accord. I'm truly happy Sev and dad managed to leave their hurt behind, and did the first steps towards accepting each other without major feuds.

"Come again?" the surprised tone reaches my ear, the potioneer leans back in the living room with his torso, eyes wide like plates. Oh shoot, I hope I didn't hit a sensitive nerve with my statement...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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