Chapter 4: Distance

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I hear my name in the distance over and over again, the tone is desperate, laced with fear, and shaky. As I slowly emerge from the dark unconsciousness, I identify the voice, it belongs to Drax, who is squeezing my hand with vigor, while I feel softness and warmth around me. I open my eyes only a rift, my best friend's silhouette coming in focus as my eyes get used to the light surrounding me. It's dawn, I can see the sky as a window comes in sight, and I notice that I'm in bed. At the infirmary. How the hell did I get here? Drax lets out a long exhale, his worries alleviated as he sees my eyes open, regaining consciousness.

"Thank Merlin, I thought you were done for! What the hell happened with you? You don't come to dinner, I don't see you all night, and when I go searching for you in the middle of the night, I find you on the edge of the fountain, outside! Your body was freezing cold! I demand an explanation from you, right now!" he says with a reprimanding face, giving a strong squeeze to my hand. Oh no, he is using formal language. That means he is super serious, and truly concerned. I can understand him. His sentence is almost a gabble in my head, as I try to piece together what exactly happened yesterday. Oh yes. My detention. It wasn't nice of me to keep the whole Snape thing a secret from him, and I think it's time he finds out exactly what is going on, since I am also quite convinced now about my feelings. I have a serious crush on Snape. I don't know why, or how, it just manifested inside, over the years without me noticing, and now I have to face my emotions. And Drax, being a huge part of my life, has the biggest right to know.

"Drax, please forgive me for not being completely honest with you, I wanted to tell you when I felt certain about my feelings." I begin softly to the boy sitting on the side of my bed, concentrating on my reactions, trying to take in every movement.

"What do you mean?" he lowers his voice also, I can see on his face, he feels relieved that I finally decided to share whatever I was keeping from him, my silence surely brought him some anxious days.

"I didn't come to dinner yesterday, because I saw a few teachers taking Mr. Moody's bloody body to the infirmary, and I decided to follow them. I was led by curiosity and a strange feeling, like something telling me that I had an important mission there with them." I explained, my voice a bit weak from exhaustion.

"They didn't see you?" his surprised face makes me smile; he was always truly immersed in whatever I was telling him. He values my friendship so much, and I can't express my gratitude enough.

"At first, no. I eavesdropped on them, finding out that Moody was attacked by death eaters, and they roughed him up pretty bad with dark magic. His body was covered in cuts and nasty bruises. He also had lots of broken bones. After I heard Poppy say she couldn't help, my feet moved on their own, and I volunteered to heal him. McGonagall was quite against it, but Dumbledore and Sprout were with me. Poppy was ecstatic when she saw the Soul Strings." I say with a smaller smile.

"You showed them the Strings? I thought you wanted to keep them a secret!" disbelief danced on his features, and I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Don't worry, I saved Moody's life in the end, and I got rewarded with the best feeling in the world. I've never felt an emotion so strong and so euphoric my entire life." I smile from ear to ear now, recalling the million butterflies in my chest and the intoxicating feeling my heroic act brought me. My heart is wrapped in warmth when I see Drax mimicking my smile, the boy is truly happy for my success, and he leans onto my form, sliding his hand under my neck, hugging me tightly.

"I'm so proud of you. I always knew you will do great things with your power. Ever since you healed my first scar, I knew you will be great." his whisper makes my eyes water, and my heart couldn't be more full in this moment. I reciprocate his hug, wrapping my arms around his back, staying with him like this for a few moments. Then he resumes his position on the bedside, and I slowly sit up, placing the big pillow behind my lower back.

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