Chapter 20: Contactless Touch

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Blackness. That's what's surrounds me for the first few seconds until I reach the fainted Rohan's entrance to his memory bank. As I arrive at the completely normal looking gate, I place my translucent hands on the hard wood and open it, but just a crack. This door is quite similar to Drax's; clean, simple, although a bit darker in color than my friend's- maybe people's memory bank design changes based on the nature of their experiences. Hm, I'll have to ask Severus about this. Slipping in, I notice the sky being slightly grey, not as grey as the bat had it, but certainly not a cerulean blue as Drax's was. The bookshelves look a bit old, some worn-out wood with small spots of mold on a few, barely noticeable though. I pay no mind to the shelves, knowing the material I'm searching for is way older than a week, so I run back to the endless rows of metal cabinets, and raise my wand in mid air.

"Ostendo- the attack of Hogwarts." I try, and this is not my lucky day, since the tag that glows up, is very far in the distance. Growling in frustration I start to run as fast as my translucent feet can take me, losing a good three minutes with just freaking running. Man, I never thought two months could accumulate this much information.

Reaching the glowing tag, I quickly place my hand on the surface of the cabinet, and immediately, snippets of images flood my mind. It's like an old movie coming to life in front of my eyes, but the filmstrip is damaged, and only a few moments can be played from it.

First I see Rohan reading a piece of parchment saying 'Meet me in Hogsmeade at The Three Broomsticks'. Rohan exits the Great Hall, then the next image is him on the way to the small village. He enters The Three Broomsticks, and walks upstairs to meet with his father. I see a cut again, this time we jump right in the middle of a conversation.

"You know you have to kill him, right? Not injure, kill." echoes the grumbling voice of Claude.

"Yes, father." Rohan bows with his head in respect and a frightened tone.

Kill who? resounds the question in my head, but we're jumping again, and I find myself at the Shrieking Shack, where Rohan, Claude and three more masked Death Eaters form a circle, discussing their strategy for the attack.

"Listen, we will not have much time. You three cover us while we break in. The Dark Lord's orders are absolute. I don't want to see failure tonight." Claude says to his accomplices, while handing Rohan a black robe and conjuring a Death Eater mask on his son's face.

The image dissolves before my eyes and I'm transported to the Dark Forest, where Rohan and Claude are hiding behind a tree, then suddenly, Rohan, dressed in the ominous clothing, makes a run towards the castle, his father following him. But as soon as Snape exits on the side entrance, Claude grabs his son's arm, and pulls him back in hiding.

"What are you doing? I can take him!" whisper-shouts Rohan to his dad.

"Have you gone mad? That man could eliminate you with one swish of his wand! Moreover, he's one of us! The Lord is very fond of him! If he learns that you attacked Snape, you will be next at the end of his wand. Let me handle him, just stay put! And don't come out until I say so!" the horrible man instructs and I'm boiling on the inside, seeing their heinous plan put in motion before my eyes. I still don't know who they intend to kill, but now I realized that much, Snape is not their target. He is viewed like a fucking obstacle and this maniac wants to take him out for good!

I stand right beside a crouching Rohan, watching his father stride out of the forest to attack Snape immediately. I see the potioneer is surprised at first but he takes him head on, and the violent flying of spells begins. Rohan watches his dad dueling his own head of house, and I wonder how can he be so nonchalant about it. I mean, this man was his mentor and teacher for six years, and he could watch him being killed right in front of his eyes. Yet not a single trace of regret or pity is displayed on his face. He's truly a cruel kid.

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