Chapter 32: Gruesome Graduation

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A/N: Thank you for everyone who stuck with my story, you are the real MVPs, my heart is beating for all of you. We reached the great milestone in our story, I can say that around 60% of it is written down now. We still have heights to reach, but I hope I can continue to keep you entertained! Comments are very welcome, and happy reading everybody!

"Esteemed young lady,

Allow me to express my felicitations once more on taking your healing examination with such professionalism and skill. Our hospital stays grateful for the help received by your hands in the case of miss Sally Johnson. The young woman can see full recovery in about six months, a fact which couldn't have come to be true without your eager will to heal and good nature. I am writing this letter to you with a proposal, born not long after I left Hogwarts. Your exam results earned you a spot in the hospital as a simple helper for starters, however, since the Soul Strings are so rare in the world of magic, I would like to offer you a position as my personal assistant. After I've seen your potential, I felt a drive to take you under my wings and present you knowledge people are willing to give their life for. This position is not to be taken lightly. The Head Healer can have only one person as their confidant, and that individual functions as their second-in-command. Whoever wishes to become the director's assistant, they must go through a three-year training, completely isolated from society, hidden in the mountains. The director personally teaches and forms the chosen medic during this time. When the training is finished, the new assistant enrolls in the hospital as the second person in the hierarchy, armed with the Head Healer's complete and unwavering trust.

I sincerely hope, you will consider my offer, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity at your hands, and I would be more than pleased to have a talented witch like you as my student. One month should suffice for you to make a decision I assume, so I'll be waiting for your answer until the fifteenth of February.


Olivia Medeor"

Salty drops make a thin line down my cheeks as I'm clutching the snow-white paper with force. The letter came only a few days after I've been brutally put on a leash with Severus, the headmaster making everything possible to cause the most stress for me before NEWTs. The constant harassment and judging eyes were clearly not enough. I'm not even able to describe the feeling bubbling up in my chest, as Poppy dances around me full of glee, given that I read the letter to her aloud.

"Oh, happy day!" she claps her hands together, a genuine smile reaching her ears. "I am endlessly proud of you darling! It's not everyday that you get a golden opportunity like this!" she hugs me enthusiastically, my air cut off by her bosom.

"I don't know Miss Pomfrey... I kind of have a feeling that this is too much for me all of a sudden..." confusion sits on my features, because when Poppy called for me this morning, I expected everything but this. I'm quite conflicted about this offer if I want to be honest. Yes, I would receive the highest level of teaching from the best healer in the wizarding world, but I would be cut off from the outside world for three whole years! I don't know what to say.

"My child, are you quite well?" she checks my forehead like I have a fever or something. "This is an offer you simply cannot refuse! Do you have any idea how many aspiring healers would give everything they have just to be in your position?" her eyes widen at my hesitation.

"But three years without any contact from the outside world... I assume that means no letters, no talking to your friends, nothing..." my tone gains a sad tint as I imagine spending three whole years without talking to Drax or Vincent at all... not to mention Severus. A sigh escapes into the small office.

"Yes, but it is necessary. The intensity of you studying there will be nothing like your years here in Hogwarts, you will be glad to see your bed after each day, trust me. But don't worry dear, it is not as bad as it sounds. You will move into a huge monastery in the mountains, shielded by every protective spell existing among wizards. Moreover, you will be surrounded by thirty-three helpers, whose duty is to aid Miss Medeor in everything and keep the hideout tidy and organized. You will not get lonely there, I guarantee. Usually, the most difficult patients are sent straight to the monastery, for the Head Healer and her assistant. They face severe life-threatening situations all throughout the training period, Miss Medeor placing the student through unforgiving challenges." Poppy explains and my jaw drops a few inches.

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