Chapter 25: A Secret's Price is Disownment

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Severus' arms feel warm around me as he embraces my saddened form on the cold stone floor. His black wings hug my body protectively, as he guides his hand to my nape, and makes me melt into the black comforting shadow that he is, while the other hand snakes around my lower waist, taking the strain of holding my body up off my shoulders. I am so happy and so sad at the same time, I assumed life changing decisions were hard, but I didn't expect this for a single second. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret my choice, I never did. Severus will always be number one for me. I just didn't want to hurt someone this badly. Blackmailing someone you care for so coldly takes a lot out of you, and I think I am 100% not cut out for this kind of thing. I don't want to do something like this ever again. I can just pray Lupin will not turn my last year in Hogwarts into a miserable nightmare.

"Severus...what do we do now?" I ask the professor a bit lost, after pulling a blackmail this strong on a teacher, it's hard to find my way back to myself. Snape looks at me, knowing perfectly what I'm referring to.

"We continue our daily lives. You carried out the deed, there's no point in bemoaning your actions. Accept the new terms you set yourselves on with Lupin, and continue walking with your head held high. If he sees repentance in your eyes, he may turn against you and place us in danger. You've got him cornered now, don't let the rein slip out of your grasp. His silence depends on your ability to stand your ground." he explains with slight solemnity while caressing my hair. I take a longer pause before answering.

"I'm not used to this." the words float out of my mouth, landing on his shoulder, almost in a whisper.

"Sometimes, in order to achieve or protect something, you must make sacrifices." the tone is serious, and I can hear that he's speaking from experience. "If Lupin gives you any kind of trouble in the future, inform me without hesitation." Snape looks deep in my eyes with furrowed brows. He's determined, and I will not argue with his protective intentions. So, I give him a nod and a half-smile, pulling him even closer to my torso, squeezing the air out of him. I can feel the soft fingers glide over my spine up and down, calming my racing mind with each movement, and soon enough, I could almost fall asleep in his arms, kneeling on the ground. However, it seems this position is not to Snape's liking and he hoists me up, walks over to the black leather wingback, takes a comfy position, and places me in his lap. My knees are thrown over the armrest, and my nape rests on his forearm; I see him conjuring a blanket over my thinly-dressed body, and with this, we're bundled up together under the cozy cover.

"This is much better. I wouldn't want you to catch a cold, kneeling on the floor for too long. You just managed to stand up again, if your joints get inflamed, two-three more days in the bed is guaranteed." he says, arranging the blanket's corners, so that every inch of me is shielded from the chilly air of the office. A small smile is tugging at my lips, and I happily nestle my cheek in the potioneer's chest in my current caterpillar form. Hearing his steadily beating heart places a tranquil veil over my body, his arms offer absolute safety to my upset feelings, and gradually, our breathing matches, pulling us in a meditative state. Long minutes pass like this, and at one point I honestly think the potion master fell asleep, but suddenly, I hear his baritone crawling into the air between us.

"Spend the summer with me."

I jerk my head up from his chest in surprise and shock. Hold the phone just for a moment, did he say what I think he said!?

"You mean...?" I fix my wide eyes on his calm features.

"Yes. In my house. If you're interested, of course." he caresses a lock of hair behind my ear and keeps the eye contact with a warm expression in the dimly lit room.

My jaw can't get any lower as I sit up fully on his thigh, still not believing the bat's request. He invited me in his house. Nay, he wants to spend the summer with me in his house! Somebody, pinch me.

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