Chapter 9: Green with Envy

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I accompany Snape back to the castle in silence, dinner just started, and we straighten ourselves before strolling in the Great Hall. The potioneer leaves my side to step in first, walking fast to the teacher's table, while I sit down to my house's table, facing Drax, who has a curious look in his eyes. He discreetly raises his palm to me, making sure no one notices, signaling that it's time for our secret code communication again. I can see in his eyes that curiosity is ripping him to pieces right now. I reach out my palm under the table towards Drax, and receive his enthusiastic message.

"What happened? I saw you two come here together. And what's with that big smile on you?" a big grin is plastered on his face.

"I dueled him, and I was about to lose, but I used a nasty trick and turned the tables in the last moment. So, victory is mine." my smile couldn't be wider. I actually find it super funny that we are sitting face to face, smiling at each other like two lunatics.

"And what's your prize?" he asks cheekily.

"I get to ask one thing of him. Anything I want." I smirk, and Drax forms a dramatic O with his mouth, with eyes that say 'damn, girl, you lucky bastard'.

"Congratulations, Mrs. Snape. Use the wish wisely, and don't let him sleep that night." he winks mischievously, and I smack the back of his hand under the table.

"Pervert." I write, pretending to be mad.

"Oh, come on, you're undressing him with your eyes this very moment. I know that gaze, you hornus maximus." I scoff at his funny nickname.

"By the way, I gave him a French in the forest."

"No fucking way." his face is a mix between happy and dumbfounded. Drax is a sucker for sizzling hot pieces of info like this, so I let him indulge.

"How was it?" he leans closer to me with shining eyes, and I'm amused by his level of dedication to my romantic encounters. I don't answer, just bite my lower lip, and roll my eyes back, showing him that the potion master almost melted my knickers off my body with his heated kiss.

"That good, eh?" Drax smirks, and I just nod slightly. Even better than that. The food appears on the table, and I eat a copious amount, having used up a lot of energy trying to run away from Snape constantly. As I look over to my dear teacher, I see him eating more than usual also, he is just as exhausted as I am. I re-establish the cauldron blowup with Drax, placing it first thing in the morning, seeing that potions was first period. The evening goes by quite peacefully, and I find it difficult to fall asleep, but after a mind emptying exercise I'm able to slip into blissful nothingness, replaying my first (real) kiss with Snape...


I wake up early, and run to the Great Hall to grab a bite, where I spot my bat chewing on some toast as a light breakfast. I give him a meaningful but kind of happy look, and after I finish my salad, I'm already up at the infirmary, head buried in a book about ancient healing practices. This is my routine, I come up, read for the first half an hour, then Poppy teaches me something practical on a dummy or worst-case scenario, an animal. Poppy is usually present with me, and now she is cleaning the cabinets, and organizing the necessities. Only twenty minutes after the bell rang, Drax bursts in through the door with a very angry Vincent, helping him, by leaning the Slytherin guy on his shoulder.

Vincent is an athletic type, tall, lean muscles, beautiful thighs, a wasp waist, and broad, but still feminine shoulders. His long, cherry red hair reaches his bottom, and as usual, it's tied together with a black silk ribbon at the middle of its length. He looks like a prince, with a black silk shirt under his Slytherin tie and robe, and pine green velvet trousers, to match the house color. His polished black leather shoes knock hard over the infirmary floor as they walk over to a bed, sitting down, Drax having a fake concerned look on his face. He knows his sweetheart is in good hands, and I'm able to save prince charming's pretty face.

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