Chapter 26: SSSS

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Summer, Severus, Spinner's End and something else that starts with S

"Ah, S-Severus... I can't anymore, I'm too sensitive... this was the third one already..." I whimper into the dimly lit living room, my legs quivering uncontrollably.

I'm currently laying in the potion master's green plush armchair, with my thighs wide open, held apart by said man's strong hands, while his tongue laps at my clit relentlessly. The bat is working his way towards my fourth orgasm steadily, but I don't think I have the stamina for another one.

After I walked in his house, I placed my trunk next to the couch in his sitting room, but as I bent down, Snape caught a glimpse of my bare bottom under the dress, and I was instantly backed up in the armchair. It all happened in a second, at first I didn't know what triggered his reaction; he reached down, grabbed my ankles and practically threw me on the cushiony furniture, the movement forcing my dress upwards and the bat pressing my thighs to my chest, exposing me to his hungry eyes. The potioneer lingered his irises on my defenseless form, ready to pounce and ravage, then he shifted his orbs to my damp flesh, tracing a finger between the wet folds teasingly.

"You dare cross my threshold with an absolute bare body under your dress? Just how much self-restraint do you think I possess?..." he growls seductively, and licks a tantalizing line from my perineum all the way to the top of my bud, making me hiss in pleasure from the mind-blowing sensation his tongue offers. I'm already close to a climax, and he just flicked his tongue over me once. Dear Merlin, I'm going to die this summer.

"Let me enlighten you— in my own house, I shall have none. Let this serve as a lesson, that if you provoke the beast, you will be devoured. We're not in Hogwarts anymore, I don't have to exercise any abstinence around you, my dear, you'll be wise to remember that." and with that, he proceeded to torture my pussy for a good forty minutes.

Now, three orgasms later, the bat is still nestled between my legs, drinking my juices like an earnest little bee inside a flower, the wet patch around his lips sending my head spiraling with need. He rakes his fingers down the backside of my thighs, leaving angry red lines on my skin, and I can't help but whimper to save my oversensitive bundle of nerves.

"Please Severus..." a strained moan leaves my mouth as I'm begging the professor to take his pleasing to the next level already, and fill me with his twitching member I've been eyeing for the past few minutes.

Not even a complete hour in his house, and I already had three ear-ringing orgasms in his armchair. I certainly didn't plan my teasing to come out in this fashion, my strategy was talking to him a little, maybe discovering his home first, let him give me a small house tour. Then when he least expects it, approach him, grab his wrist and slowly slide it up between my legs to show him my surprise. Well, things don't always turn out the way we plan them.

"What exactly do you wish for, kitten?" he purrs with a mischievous look, I feel him inserting two fingers inside my slippery passage, and my breath gets caught in my throat. I'm so tortured and pleased that I can't even formulate words properly. I couldn't be more ready for him.

"Please..." I choke out, lifting my hips off the material a little, signaling to him that my body is on the verge of falling apart, and only his magic wand is missing to take me to the heavens.

The bat stands up from his kneeling position, starting to unbutton his trousers, freeing only the necessary tool for blowing my mind. The veiny hot underside is placed on my outer lips, rubbing in a back-and-forth motion, continuing to tease while I whimper helplessly. Wrists pinned above my head, Snape holds my hands steadily in one place, glued to the backrest of the furniture, while he drags his throbbing member between my folds, coating it generously in my fluids. His cassock carries the signature scent of musk, overloading my senses, and to my absolute delight, the whole house smells like old books and leather, which pushes me further into the dizzy state I'm currently in. My breathing is erratic as I lay below him in a shrimp-like position, with my eyes half open, and his cock moving agonizingly slow over my flesh, the slimy sounds our sexes produce inching me closer to my climax.

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