Chapter 15: Control your emotions. Discipline your mind.

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Waking up next to my potion professor, naked under the covers is something I never thought I would experience. It's just something magical in seeing his peaceful resting face, his closed eyes now revealing just how long his beautiful eyelashes are. The potioneer's steady breathing is soothing my senses in the semi-dark room, the sun barely rising. As I lift my head a bit off the pillow to look around, I notice an old-fashioned clock on the wall, reading almost seven. Snape's private chamber is quite simple, not as complicated and filled as his office; a spacious room, one single window on the far left, with a plain desk under it. Sand-color brick walls, dark brown carpet, black stone floor. From the entrance door to the right, Snape has a huge library and a wardrobe, the right-side wall half-covered in books. Facing the door is the medium sized bed, covered with dark green velvet, so this is the first thing a person sees upon stepping in. The black wood bathroom door is between the bed and his desk, situated almost in the corner. And finally, a modest fireplace can be found vis-à-vis the bathroom, facing the bed also. Simplicity is the code here; it seems like Snape likes to keep things uncluttered in his private room. The contrast between his office and his bedroom is noticeable; he keeps both places organized, but the office is home to many many bottles, vials, ingredients; it is loaded with objects on shelves and there is barely a free spot in that place except for his table top. Even that has papers, books and rolled up parchment laid out on it. But here, everything is clean, simplified, and you have space to move freely without accidentally knocking something over.

My eyes drift back to the potion master next to me, pleasurable little ants crawl all over my skin as I bask in the thought that I just spent the best night of my life with the man I longed after for so long. 'He's so handsome' I think as my gaze follows the shape of his nose and cheekbones, his black wavy hair embracing his face beautifully.

"Thank you for the compliment." he mutters suddenly, with his eyes still closed, and I'm taken aback by his unexpected comment.

"I thought you were sleeping, how did you—?" I bite the end of my sentence, watching him slowly opening just one eye at me in a smug style.

"I already told you; your mind is too open. I can easily hear your every thought, without making an effort. I must start teaching you how to close up your mind, otherwise we will be vulnerable. Especially after last night." He turns on his back, yawning in his palm. As he brings up the topic of last night, I start to search for any sign of regret or unease in his voice and expression, but luckily, I find none. A sigh of relief.

I sit up in the bed, covering my torso with the blanket, and I happily note that the stickiness has disappeared from between my legs, Snape must have cleaned me up after I got knocked out by exhaustion. I can't allow myself to become pregnant this young. This serene morning atmosphere is very much to my liking, and I wouldn't mind waking up next to my half-blood prince more often to enjoy some cuddly, lazy time together. But, we're still far from that. I am somehow at a loss, now, that I got what I've been yearning for, now, that the feverish night is over, I feel satisfied, but it's like I'm left with a huge question mark inside. Hovering. I lost control of the situation from this point on, there's no magic anymore to prompt the potioneer to do my bidding; to have an excuse for making the master do naughty things to me, to tempt him into sin. If he wanted, he could tell me off in a heartbeat now, and I couldn't say a word against it, which is the source of my anxiety at the moment. I'm terrified of rejection, since we got to such a delicate junction in our student-teacher relationship. I still have a few unanswered questions inside me, regarding the future. How will we proceed from here? Was this a one-time thing? Are we going to return to our daily life, like nothing happened, or can I hope for some kind of relationship blooming from this point on? After crossing the forbidden line, what are we now?

"Um... professor, how do you feel... about last night?" I attempt to get the serious conversation about feelings started, but Snape dodges my high ball, sitting up next to me.

Punish me, Professor, I dare you.Where stories live. Discover now