Chapter 34: Theory of a Rebel

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To say that I'm shocked is an understatement. I never thought Olivia would actually poison me, but I guess getting outraged about this now might not be the best idea, this is probably something that's necessary for my final exam. This is the merciless side of her which everyone talked about, and I'm not too happy to be one of her victims. No doubt I am disappointed in her a little, the fragile trust built between us is quite shaken at the moment, but I feel like I have more important things to tend to.

Oh boy... ok, stay calm, focus. I walk up to the table filled with ingredients, I can never know if I'll be able to walk later, so it's better if I keep everything close. Fortunately, Severus taught me how to keep a calm mind in a dire situation, and I'm profiting from it abundantly right now because I'm so scared I could scream, yet I still manage to concentrate on saving my own life. Panic will only lose me time, I must focus.

Olivia said I have to use my strings, so I place my fingers on my nape to invade my own brain, which feels quite paradoxical at first, but I have to check the parts of my body which I am not aware of. With a fast-pounding heart I examine every organ, I find the poison in the circulatory system, and unfortunately it spreads quite fast thanks to my rapid heart rate, but I just can't help it now, I'm trembling in my shoes. Profuse sweating begins, my body is desperately trying to purge herself from the toxin, and my limbs feel like they've been filled with lead, they feel so heavy. I'm struggling for air in my lungs as I'm forcing my logical thinking to work.

Alright. Olivia gave me one hour to find out the antidote for this poison, which means I can rule out all the fast-killing toxins, leaving me with a much shorter list in my head. Poisons with delayed effect are only a few, so now I must check the symptoms I have to identify the one in my system. Labor breathing, numb and heavy limbs, profuse sweating, elevated heart rate and nausea. I think I got it...

With trembling hands, I begin to assemble the antidote, I take a few magical herbs and chop them up, select two bottles from the rows of liquids, and start brewing my hopefully lifesaver potion. My moves are difficult, thanks to the imaginary weights cuffed around my wrists, I look like I move in slow motion. If I'm correct, this poison makes the victim suffocate by paralyzing the respiratory system bit by bit, causing a slow and most painful death if nothing is done about it. It was designed for torture and interrogation; half of the Azkaban inmates tasted this particular brew before they were locked up. Luckily, brewing time for the antidote is only forty minutes, which means, I'm able to finish making it just in time, but I have only one shot. I must be confident with my choice, or I'll die. Dear Merlin, Olivia planned this out meticulously, didn't she?

As I watch my bubbling cauldron, sweat dripping down my temples, my eyes run over to Olivia and the twins. Medeor stands motionlessly with her arms crossed, watching my every move like a hawk; Ellie roots for me with furrowed brows and tense fists on her side, while Lilly is nervously chewing her lips and rubbing her hands together to soothe herself. It is so nice to see them actually worry for my wellbeing... at least this gives a touch of warmth to my ever-tightening chest. I think I found two more people to call friends.

The brewing process seems like an eternity, I'm struggling to remember the correct recipe, and the tricks I learned from Sev's potion book; my brain can't help herself but wonder back to him even now, when my life is in danger. His warm image is present with me in my dying hour, I can almost feel his looming form behind me, guiding my hands to the correct ingredients, and I nearly let the tears gathered on my waterline fall in the cauldron. This day might be the last I draw breath, but Severus will be the one on my mind until the last second.

Ten minutes until time is up. Olivia approaches the table for the final touches, I successfully brewed the remedy I can only hope was the right choice, and after I gather all my strength to wave my wand above the steaming cauldron, I can call my work finished. Lack of oxygen is really messing with my brain and vision now, so with a small prayer to Merlin, I cool the potion down a little, and throw it down my throat, squeezing my eyes shut in anticipation. My knees give out, and I collapse to the ground on my butt, slouching forward, supporting myself with my arms.

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