Chapter 3: A Drop of Liquid Lust

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My heart is racing as I almost fall down the stairs leading to the dungeon corridor, I ran so fast here. I am in absolute panic, my breath unsteady, sprinting down the hallway, having the potions classroom right in my field of vision. Without even knocking I rudely barge in, the door almost opening itself for me, I stop at the very middle of the classroom, slouching forward with my hands on my knees, heaving like crazy.

Snape watches me from his desk with a slightly perplexed face, I struggle for air in my lungs, and as I glance at the clock, I see that I am late exactly one hour and a half. That's it, everyone, prepare my gravestone, this is where I die today. It's been nice knowing you.

I see no one else in the classroom, of course, why would anyone be here, when I am the almost daily visitor of this place. I can almost tell how many bricks these walls are built of; I've been here so much. To be honest I got a liking to the chilly classroom over the years. Especially since last year, when I remained alone with my professor, I felt a home-like sensation in here since that day. Snape stands up slowly from his desk, turning to me, but before he can say anything, I interject with vigor.

"I know what you're about to say, professor, and I'm sorry for being so late, but believe me, I have a perfectly valid reaso-"

"Silence!" he cuts me off angrily, my words dying early in my throat, and I'm overwhelmed by his expression of acrimony. I can see on his face that he will not listen to reason today, and fear replaces the little butterflies I was feeling in my stomach only minutes ago. He approaches quickly, backing me into the nearest wall, with the most livid expression on his features I've ever seen. He closes the space between us with only a few steps, grabbing my chin in the process, pushing me into the wall. His grip is deathly, I can sense his pure fury, and I must be the sickest person on earth for having my knickers completely soaked by his reaction. I gasp for air in surprise, not taking my eyes off him, because I can't show any weakness now, or he might eat me alive. No, I must stand my ground, at least until he calms himself a bit, until he's not clouded with the red smoke of rage.

"I don't want to hear your sorry excuses. I think you don't realize who you are messing with, young lady. I warned you not to forget about your detention, yet here you are, ninety minutes late. Here I was planning on having a conversation with you about your behavior, but apparently, you give me even less respect than you would for a dog." he says bitterly, gritting his teeth. Snape bores his gaze into mine, so many intensive emotions swirling in them, I see that he feels hurt, but the main one accentuated the most is disappointment. He probably wanted to sit down, and speak with me like two adults, possibly not even giving me work to do, but saving Moody's life ruined Snape's plans of straightening things out with me. Now he thinks I'm just a snotty brat, who only wants to give him headaches until graduation. I can understand his feelings, but if only he listened to my brief explanation, we could already be discussing more important things. But nooo, he has to show me, that he's not the teacher who I want to mess with! Merlin's sake, why must he be so stubborn and close-minded when he feels hurt?

"Well, I have to inform you, my patience towards you ends here. From now on, don't expect any pity or compassion from my part, I honestly attempted to discuss the situation in an amiable manner, but you chose not to be on my good side. I'll show you what its's like, when I'm truly mad at a student, then." he whispers the cutting words, his fatal threatening tone rips my skin to pieces, my hands are trembling next to my body. I have to gather every ounce of my remained power to answer, since the healing process drained my battery almost completely, and I'm exhausted at this point. And to think I still have long hours of detention to serve... my mood turns into an irate one, so I retort.

"If you would only let me explain what took me so long to get here, professor, then you wouldn't be this fucking mad at me!" I bite back, furrowing my brows, because his unfairness pisses me off to no end. I see his pupils narrowing with viciousness. He is behaving worse than a child now, and it's hard for me to figure out why he lost his composure to this level.

Punish me, Professor, I dare you.Where stories live. Discover now