Chapter 27: Overwritten Scars

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This summer with Severus is nothing short of a fairytale. I adore watching him read the Daily Prophet each morning, quietly sipping his coffee while I sit next to him, biting on my thumb softly with slightly parted lips, longing eyes glued on his groggy face. I linger my gaze on him as he shaves, the vintage blade dancing on his skin with precision as I'm standing in the doorway, leaning on it.

I can't help but lick my lips as he emerges with a now silky-smooth face, and of course, I never deny myself the pleasure of touching his cheeks and planting a loving kiss on his juicy lips as he exits the bathroom. To my surprise, he doesn't take my frequent ogling as too intrusive, on the contrary, he seems to enjoy seeing me discreetly drooling over him and eating him up bit by bit with my eyes during his routines. My proximity calms him, and his closeness calms me, balanced harmony.

We usually make some breakfast together, he teaches me a few tricks in the kitchen, and there's not a single day where Severus doesn't sneak up on me and bury his roman nose in the crook of my neck while I'm preoccupied with the food at the fireplace. I nearly burn myself a few times, because the moment his scent enters my nose, my senses get dominated by him, and I can't focus on anything anymore. But the man always keeps an eye out and never lets any accidents happen on his watch.

As I observed, Snape likes to approach me from behind and take over my hands' movements, helping me with cooking while using me like a puppet, but I don't mind at all. This only gives me more chances to be surrounded by his warmth, and if I can listen to his sexy baritone while pressed up against his chest every morning, then he can use my body however he wants, you have every permission in the world, sir.

The bat would do some experiments with newly discovered ingredients in the afternoons, or do some research on rare spells and charms, and I would always nestle myself in his green puffy armchair with a book, or just simply observe his ministrations. He often starts explaining to me how certain spells work, how to control certain energies or sharing important details about magic not mentioned in the school textbooks. I'm constantly fascinated by his extensive knowledge and level of genius, and I eagerly drink up his every word; his secondary Hogwarts house would definitely be Ravenclaw, no doubt about it.

The potioneer trains me in Legilimency and Occlumency too, often turning it into a punishment game. He would think of a word or a phrase during the day, and if I am able to read it from his mind until dinner, I get a reward. But if I fail, I receive a smaller punishment. Severus alternates between the intensity of his mind's concealment, sometimes letting me get into his head quite easily, but other days setting me up to fail, since there is no way I can break in while he uses the strongest level of Occlumency he possesses— the one used in the presence of the Dark Lord.

Of course, this game functions vice-versa, I also have to think of a word or phrase, and try my best to keep the potioneer out of my head, all the while sneakily waiting for the perfect moment during the day when the bat's defense drops a little, so I can read his mind. This is very entertaining and very difficult at the same time, the game brings lots of cute and happy moments for us, not to mention whenever I win, I make the potioneer's punishment either sexual or pampering, but I don't think Severus is mad about it. Not in the least.

He often takes me on a longer walk in the evening when the Sun is setting, so we avoid the heat; the infinitely romantic atmosphere warming my heart as I watch the gorgeous pinkish-purple clouds float above us. Our hands are locked as we stroll next to the small river flowing close to Spinner's End, the minuscule forest in its neighborhood serving as a perfect space for deep conversations and occasionally—stolen kisses pushed up against a tree, hidden from curious eyes.

Then, nighttime arrives. Oh, the nighttime. Such a cozy and perfectly sensual period, when the Sun finally switches place with the Moon, and the stars give us their delicate light in the bedroom; we're lost in each other's touches and hushed words. After we finish our dinner in silence and peace, Severus sits in his armchair and lets me curl up on his lap like a cat, taking out a book and reading it to me, knowing just how much his soft baritone soothes and excites me at the same time. This is the coziest, most intimate part of our days together, as I sit in his embrace drawing small circles on his nightshirt over his chest, losing myself in those black eyes as they reflect the fire from the candles around us.

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