Chapter 30: It takes two to Tango

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My form is being held firmly by the dungeon bat as he slowly starts guiding me into the most passionate dance of my life. I'm more than sure, our last year's tango with Drax will be just a flickering ember compared to the wildfire that is unfolding right now. His steps are precise, but his body still bends and slides like a snake, the flexibility astounds me.

Although he is much taller than Drax was, (this represents a small obstruction when it comes to following your partner) the potioneer leads me expertly, I don't have the slightest feeling that I might be rushed, I'm perfectly able to follow his steps. At the smallest sign of me losing balance or rhythm, he quickly matches his movements to mine, correcting the off-thrown tempo of our dance. Every slide is smooth, each turn is done with such élan, our bodies are so tense, our chests pressed together, the style is crisp, strict and maddening.

Following his instruction at the start of our tango, I switch off my brain, and let my senses take in everything around me; the music coming from the Hall next to us, the moonlight bathing Severus in a holy shimmer, his irresistible musky smell crawling up my nose, and that body heat that sets me on fire just by being able to feel it.

Our fronts are glued together, Severus chose a very sensual and closed-up version of this dance— thank Merlin— so my movements are not led only by his arms, but his whole torso. Our legs slide between each other; basic steps, then a few turns, then basic steps again. His glowing eyes are fixed on me, the semi dark room making the mood all the more romantic, I'm unable to tear my gaze away from his face, it's like I'm under his spell, and I absolutely don't want to escape.

Severus suddenly stops the flow, holding my waist in place, signaling that I should keep my posture as it is, and the next thing I know, is him rounding me, and his chest pressing up flush to my back, I can feel the cassock's buttons laying on my spine. His fingers run up my arms slowly, raising them up in the process. When my arms reach above my head, his palms slide down my sides, contouring the shape of my hips, then running down further to the front of my thighs, he grips my dress in both his fists, pulling it up slightly. A move of raw passion.

His hips do a smaller circle, prompting mine to do it with him, since he's keeping our lower bodies glued together with his grip. I hear an elongated soft hiss right behind my ear, then a shaky exhale on the skin of my nape, goosebumps covering me in an instant, and I'm already trembling with need for him. My wrists are brought back down to the side, Severus starting a set of side-steps, one of his hands flying to my lower belly, and the other entwining our fingers mid-air. I'm moving like a puppet on a string, he's pulling the strings from behind this time, and our breathing start to match in the dusty, cozy location.

With one swift turn, he's back again in front of me, the song reaches its middle part, which comes with an elongated pause. This is where we have to strike a dramatic pose, and Severus doesn't hesitate, a hand sneaks up to my back, and the other grabs my fingers quite strongly. I instantly know what this means, so I steady my heel and let myself be bent backwards, my upper body resting on the bat's palm, my legs between his, and my head almost reaching the floor. We hold this position for a few seconds, and although my eyes are closed, I know for a fact that his hungry ones are focusing on the tender skin of my stretched-out neck. My every cell is buzzing, I'm drunk with his presence.

My heart beats out of its place as I'm wrapped up in rapture, Snape sways our bodies in the most erotic way possible, every wave of his hips too dangerous, too suggestive. He's practically making love to me on the dancefloor with fiery passion, all the pent up and suppressed longing now bursting out to the surface for the both of us. It is obvious that he's been also struggling to keep his desires on a leash, and this dance is a clear confession of just how much he wants to claim me right this moment. My professor is reaching his limit.

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