Chapter 16: Stretched out by revenge

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My feet take me up and high, all the way to the seventh floor, I carefully switch between the moving staircases, making sure to move forward only when they're motionless. I took a quick trip back to my dorm to change before my meeting with Snape, since the busy morning didn't leave me much chance to actually put myself together. I went for a more casual look, a lime green turtleneck sweater with my school uniform skirt is the style for today. As I reach the corridor, Barnabas the Barmy comes into vision, and I see the hem of a certain black robe, its possessor standing in front of a window, looking at the calming winter scenery, with his hands behind his back. A smile tugs at the corner of my mouth as I think of where we're about to go, me showing Snape the very place used for the biggest sneak-outs feels like a rule-breaking itself, and a pleasant chill runs down my spine as our eyes meet. The dungeon bat turns to me with a stern expression as I reach him, and I just simply take his hand, leading him to the empty wall at the end of the hallway. Snape looks at me with a questioning gaze.

"So?" he asks curtly, raising an eyebrow. "Where's the entrance? You can't possibly expect me to percolate through the wall." the sarcasm in his voice makes me tut at him, and I respond with slight annoyance,

"The Room of Requirement opens up only when someone walks past the door area three times, thinking about what they need. Let me handle this."

Snape takes a step back, leaving enough space for me to walk and turn three times, all the while thinking about a nice, cozy love nest for us, with everything we could ever need for our little meetings. As I finish my little opening dance for the Room, the black swirls etch themselves into the surface, making the black wooden door appear in front of our eyes. I throw a quick glance at Snape, who has a quite surprised pair of eyes, but true to his style, he tries to appear unfazed. Pushing the black metal knob down, I open the door for the dungeon bat, praying the room caught my flow, and actually decorated itself the way I imagined.

"After you, professor." I gesture with my hands inside, and the potioneer cautiously starts walking in, slowly, maintaining the eye contact until he passes my smirking form.

I hear the faintest gasp from him as I close the door, and when I turn around to examine my 'order', the smirk on my face turns into an all-out wide smile, the giddiness awakening the butterflies inside me. The room is perfect. As we enter, dark oak parquet runs beneath our feet, there's a huge French round bed in front of us, velvety cushion, burgundy, with jet black silk sheets and cushions; elegant, sensual. Enormous, wide arched window behind it, with the windowsill beginning just above the pillows, giving the people laying in the bed a perfect view of the starry night sky. The chance of anyone peeking in is literally zero, firstly because we're on the seventh floor, and secondly because this room is technically 'non-existent', it's protected by magic, so I could easily kneel up on the bed naked and look out the window, and I can be sure no one will see me.

Oh god, the thought of being taken by Snape under the stars is just... ah, Merlin, help me.

A longer fluffy, dark brown carpet lays in front of the bed, and I'm sure stepping on it barefoot will feel like walking on a cloud. Candle holders of various length and size are scattered around the room, in places where it's sure we won't knock them over; we have a nice hearth to the far right, with two leather armchairs in front of it, and another one of the fluffy carpets between them, just in case our feet get cold. On the far left however, we have a simple table with two chairs, and a dark wooden cabinet, with five smaller drawers next to it. Crème wallpaper on the walls with royal pattern on them, I wanted this room to be simple but fancy and cozy, so that our nights spent here would be as pampering and pleasant as possible.

Of course, we needed a bathroom too, I tried to imagine a divided space, (not necessarily two rooms, since the Room of Requirement only offers one single room) this main bedroom area, and a bath area, separated with a wall, but having no door, so the spaces stay connected. If I pass the cabinet behind the table, in the corner, there's a curtain, and if I pull said curtain and turn right, I have a whole medium-sized bathroom at my service. With a large tub under the second giant window of the Room, a nice sink and toilet equipped with anything we could ever want for bathroom activities.

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