Chapter 31: Disconnect

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My body is bent forward, as the attacker still steals my air with his hand over my mouth and nose, the person's smell is unfamiliar and unpleasant a little. Judging by the size of the hand, this is a male, and by the way his grip tightens around me by the second, I can tell, that his intentions are not friendly. I'm in a chokehold right now.

"Where do you think you're going, you slut? Off to the evening feast? I don't think so." the man growls in my ear behind me, and I instantly recognize his voice. Rohan.

"I finally caught you off guard, now I will teach you what happens to those who cross me." the ominous hiss crawls in my ear, and the adrenaline shot caused by the danger doubles my strength, allowing me to move fast as lightning.

I step back between his parted legs, plant my elbow deep in his diaphragm, then, using his temporary stun, I punch the guy right in the nose, hearing a soft crack. This is not your lucky day, brother. Grabbing the piece of garbage by the collar, I pull him out of the hidden corner, and shove him down to the ground in the middle of the hallway, pointing my wand at him.

"Incarcerous!" I yell the incantation a bit too loud, and Rohan starts to squirm on the ground, the ropes appearing all over his body, immobilizing him on the cold stone. The wand in my hand shakes, as I'm trying to recover from nearly fainting due to lack of oxygen, I watch the Slytherin scum being strangled by my ropes on the ground with wide eyes and a heavy breath. What the fuck was he thinking!? Did he plan to suffocate me right here in the corridor? He's absolutely insane! Just how big is his thirst for vengeance?

My offender writhes on the ground, desperately trying to get some air in his lungs, but the tight rope around his throat and chest cuts his air supply off effectively. Taste of your own medicine, you freak! I let my trembling hand drop to my side as I watch his struggle, the ugly catarrhous choking sounds almost making me feel pity for the guy. When I see the small foam appearing in the corner of his mouth, I raise my wand again to stop the incantation, but another voice behind my back takes me by surprise.

"Depulso!" comes the worried mother-like tone, and I'm blasted a few feet forward, away from Rohan's tied-up body, landing face-first on the cobblestone.

"Finite Incantatem!" comes the next spell immediately, setting Rohan free from his rope-prison. Raising my head with a probable mild concussion, I see Minerva hurrying over to Rohan, helping the Slytherin boy up with a confused face.

"What on earth is happening here? I demand an explanation!" she says outraged.

"She attacked me out of nowhere!" Rohan coughs violently. "I was heading to dinner, when I suddenly felt ropes around me, and the next moment, I couldn't even breathe! She snuck up behind my back!" the scumbag points at me accusingly, and McGonagall looks at me, wide-eyed, with utter disappointment and disbelief. My blood starts to boil from anger.

"No! He's lying! He's the one who—"

"Enough! I don't want to hear any silly excuses, young lady. It matters not what the cause was, you have no right to use the Incarcerous spell on any of your schoolmates, especially not with the intent of strangling! Poor boy was frothing at the mouth! Have you lost your sound judgement, girl?" the head of Gryffindor pours the scolding on my head, as I'm slowly approaching them from the spot I was thrown to.

Minerva has her arms draped over Rohan's shoulders, who is slowly starting to ventilate normally again. The feigned hurt expression on him is disgusting, but knowing McGonagall's strict mannerisms, I can't even try to argue with her, or explain what exactly happened. She saw me standing over Rohan, and that's enough proof to pronounce me guilty. Crap, I shouldn't have cast that damn spell so strongly...

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