Chapter 24: Kill to Protect

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A/N: My second Snape reader-insert, NUDE INK has gotten its second chapter today, so feel free to pay that story a visit also, if you like my style of writing. That's going to be a bit shorter, but juicy nonetheless, so hop over for another small adventure! Love you all!

I wake up wrapped in warmth, although every single cell in my body is screaming with pain. As I slowly flutter my eyes open, I see the ceiling of the infirmary in Hogwarts, and I feel a slight uncomfortable pressure in my brain. It's dark out, probably the middle of the night, seeing that it was already evening when the party started. Turning my head to the side, I see a familiar face, the long, chocolate brown hair and the smell of waterlily crawling up my nostrils.

"Mom?" I ask weakly, now noticing her strings flowing right inside my nape, and I become aware that she's currently working on restoring my body's health to normal.

"Finally awake, honey?" she asks quietly with a warm smile, and caresses my forehead with her other hand, her face revealing concern and also, relief.

"Oh Merlin, thank god you're awake! I thought we were going to lose you!" exclaims another familiar voice on my other side, choked up, and my eyes wonder over slowly to Drax, who clutches the bedsheets on me like crazy. Vincent is standing behind him with a somber look, although now his frown less visible.

"What happened?" my voice is still ragged and weak, but the answer comes from behind the divider curtain concealing me from curious eyes.

"Vaarn cast the torture curse on you, as you were escaping. He intended to hit the boys with the curse, but they were protected by the Nymph's Tear, and you were trapped between the father and the pair." I hear the silky, stern voice, and I hear soft clanking sounds, like someone stirring a liquid, and the spoon hitting the side of the cup. My pain is a thousand times more alleviated as I see my prince rounding in to my bed, holding a cup of painkiller potion in his hand.

"Father wanted to hit all of us with the Cruciatus curse, but he didn't expect Drax and me to be shielded by the Tears. If it weren't for you warning us to open them, I think we wouldn't be here right now. I'm so sorry you got the full blow." Vincent averts his eyes in shame and pity.

"You can imagine my surprise when I got a howler flying in through the fireplace at home. Professor Snape demanded I came to the school immediately, because my daughter's life is in danger. The letter was worded so persistently, that my feet were rooted to the ground for a few moments. But fortunately, I arrived with floo powder, and I managed to neutralize the curse in time. Just a few more minutes and your cells will be restored from the damage." mom squeezes my hand on the bed in reassurance.

"Cells? And you can neutralize dark magic?" I ask in awe, my eyes wide.

"The Cruciatus curse works like this, darling: it inflicts great damage on every single cell in your body, from head to toe, that is why you feel excruciating pain when it's cast on you. Depending on how long the victim is tortured, the damage can quickly become irreversible. Thank Merlin you were still savable. If it weren't for Professor Snape's quick thinking to call for me, I'm afraid you would be in St. Mungo's right now, tied to bed for months." she has a relieved but painful glint in her eyes, I can see it on her that she thought she will lose me for real this time.

I look at my lover with a grateful and endearing look, sending a small, but deeply meaningful 'Thank you' to him in our headspace. He saved my life again. Although he's mad at me and we're on bad terms, he still did everything in his power to save me. I love this man with all my heart, no matter what others think. Severus doesn't say anything yet, but keeps a relatively soft eye contact with my laying form.

"What happened with you after I lost consciousness?" I look at the boys now with a concerned look.

"Father chased us into the nearby forest, but fortunately, the Tears gave us complete protection. Professor Snape stunned him in the forest, and saved our lives. I'm so ashamed for his behavior..." he trails off in a whisper, turning his head away from me in embarrassment.

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