Chapter 12: A cat outside the bag

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The potion master's arms wrapped around me feel like a warm blanket as I feel my rapidly beating heart slowing down, his embrace a calming lull to my discomfiture. I just had the best orgasm in my life by the hands of my professor. If a few months ago anyone told me this, I would have laughed in their face and called them crazy, but here we are, in the little storage, Snape examining the wrapped-up book carefully. Oh yeah, I'm supposed to answer his question.

"That's your Yule gift, professor." I say with a slight blush on my face, the steamy memories and the afterglow still humming under my skin.

"A present? For me?" he asks in disbelief, as if getting a present was an impossible thing for the bat.

"Yes. I saw how you never got presents during the holidays, well, except for professor McGonagall's little attentions, but still, I wanted to give you something special. So you don't feel left out." I say sheepishly, looking away to the gift he's holding, the wrapper giving me a chance to escape the weird feeling in my chest. It warms my heart to see his surprised face, but having to explain my reason behind it makes me a bit embarrassed. Snape just stares at me and the gift for a few moments, probably contemplating how he should react, and I truly hope he accepts, because it was quite difficult for my parents to acquire that book.

"Well... thank you." he says a bit uncomfortably in the end, but I see the touched feeling and the appreciation in his eyes. Snape puts the book back on the shelf, and reaches down for my chin, then he places a gentle kiss on my lips as a soft thank you. My hands reach up to touch his face, and I'm so glad I can finally touch him without restraints, running my fingers under his ears and into his silky black hair. He takes my touch as an invitation, and runs his tongue along my lower lip, carefully deepening the kiss, and I eagerly accept his tongue inside. The bat pulls away too fast for my liking, and takes my hand in his, opening the door of the tiny storage.

"Come, I wish to open it in my office. Would you care for a cup of tea?" the potioneer invites with a small smile, thrilling me with his mood. I copy his expression and nod; he takes the gift and we're out the door. Snape guides me through the barely lit dungeon corridor, holding my hand, giving me a slight nostalgia back to the day we had our picnic. It feels exactly the same when he led me down the circular stairs. Walking behind him, the same butterflies are present inside me, and if history is about to repeat itself, then am I to expect some naughty play out of this? Dare I hope for more than what happened in the storage? Oh Merlin, my heart is about to jump out from its place.

I put my palm on my chest as we stroll down the hallway, and the chilly, winter night air makes goosebumps appear on my skin. My purple dress doesn't provide too much insulation, the material letting the air pass through easily, giving its delicate nature. Snape's hand is warm, I imagine what would it be like to be up against his completely naked body under the sheets, what bliss his warmth and proximity would provide, and just how utterly impossible would it be to not feel aroused. I resent his clothes for hiding 90% of his body, robbing my eyes from such heavenly sight, but at the same time I realize that this is exactly what gives him his appeal, and makes one hungry for more. The wing-like robe accentuates his authority, and portrays him in a mysterious light, like a true bat in the middle of the night.

Lost in my impish thoughts about what could we do in the potion master's office, I'm taken by surprise when the professor halts in his walk, and I run into him a little, hitting my nose on his back. My hand flies to said nose, as I look around and notice that we're near the Slytherin dorm entrance, and right as I'm about to ask Snape why he stopped, I hear soft squelching sounds. With a bad gut feeling, I peek out from behind my black bat, and to my absolute horror and happiness, I see an explicitly filthy and passionate kissing session. A flushed Vincent pinned to the wall by a very eager Drax, the redhead's wrists on either side of his head, with Drax holding him in a vice-like grip, and his knee fixed between the prince's parted legs, preventing his escape. At first, I'm concerned that Drax might have forced the Slytherin student into this kiss, but as soon as I hear the cherry boy's heated moan, all of my anxiety flies away, knowing the guy absolutely loves the attention his mouth is getting. Deep down I feel such a strong satisfaction, finally my best friend got his positive response from his crush, and hopefully a happy and secretive relationship might start out of this. Now the only alarmingly bad feeling is regarding Snape, whom I have to give some explanation for sure after this, and thus, our little plan with my friend will be blown. I glance up to Snape.

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