Chapter 39: Burn The Whole World If I Must

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A/N: I just want to express my endless gratitude for the patience you guys have with me and my story. Thank you for being here in tough times, and I love you all. 

"How... am I supposed to do that?" the question cracks my vocal cords in the empty infirmary. Somehow the methodology of building a brand-new body without a soul piques my curiosity better, than resisting the darkest wizard standing before me. Is creating a soulless human body even possible? The only known way of making another human yet, is pregnancy of course, but there's no way in hell I will birth a child just so this idiot can use it as a shell! If that's what he has in mind, might as well kill me right here.

"That remains for you to discover, young witch. But with a magnificent power like yours in hand, I doubt you have to ponder for long."

"And what if I say no?" the question falls out of my mouth before I can even catch it, brows are pulled together by the heavy weight of fear and revolt.

I don't even have time to blink, my knees hit the ground hard, an unknown force coercing me into a kneeling position with my upper body bent forward, like a servant praying for forgiveness before her lord.

"If you dare to resist, I shall take away everyone and everything you love, one by one until you have nothing to lose anymore. You can either comply in peace and remain unharmed, or watch helplessly as the light leaves the eyes of those close to you. I suggest you choose wisely."

Voldemort hisses his last words before sinking back in the DADA teacher's nape, and Quirrell wraps his turban back on his bald head with a simple wand movement. I'm still glued to the stone floor below, air knocked out of my lungs, although, the heavy pushing sensation is gone. I have no idea if he used Imperio on me or he was able to make me obey using only his sheer will, but one thing is certain, I can't let him endanger any of my loved ones. 

I couldn't even face him in a battle if I wanted to, Voldemort is way too powerful for my beginner self. Even Snape I was only able to defeat using a trick, the Dark Lord would only have to blow on me and I'd collapse dead to the ground. I can have my mind sealed as best as possible, it's all in vain if he can make me fall to my knees with just a look.

Quirrell takes one last look to my defeated form on the ground, a sadistic grin pulling on his mouth's corners.

"I'd make up my mind quickly if I were you. The Dark Lord doesn't like to be kept waiting. Oh, and I hope it goes without saying, that if you breathe a word about our encounter to anyone, you will regret the day you were born."

My body feels like it's been drained of all energy, I can barely keep myself up straight. Receding flutters of his robe is the last thing I see before the adrenaline rush reaches the crashing point in my system, soft fainting pulls my lashes shut, knocking my consciousness to the back. Somehow the cold stone against my heated cheek feels soothing, as I involuntarily leave reality for a while, in a bizarre way, I am content. Finally, after long weeks of constant tension, even if for a short while, I am at peace.


"Rennervate!" Poppy's perturbed tone resounds in my ears, and the reviving spell slaps me back to my senses in a heartbeat. The moment my eyes pop open, I notice the absence of the cool stone, instead, a soft infirmary pillow keeps my cheek in a cradle.

"Thank Merlin you came back! I found you collapsed on the floor when I returned from Ravenclaw tower! What happened?" asks the matron while examining my head for any kind of injury, and I make a weak attempt to sit up.

"It's nothing serious, Poppy, I was just clumsy and slipped, that's all. Must be the nervousness because of my first Quidditch match. Knowing how busy the hospital wing gets after every match, I was just too focused to make everything perfect." my awkward, deflecting smile doesn't seem to convince the nurse too much, because she gives me a doubting look. I simply can't tell her what happened in the last hour here. 

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