Chapter 33: Monochrome

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A/N: Hello everyone! First off, I want to apologize for this long period without update, I'm facing some difficulties now, and writing became slower than usual for me. Don't worry, I'm working on making things better, just please forgive me if some chapters will come a bit slower than others. This story WILL be finished, I promise.

Thank you again for your understanding, your patience is everything, and thank you for staying with my little imagination. I love you all. <3

My eyes flutter open sluggishly, as I slowly float back to consciousness, all I can see around me is a honey color. As focus comes back to my vision, a very simple room takes form, with only one desk, a chair, a smaller closet and the bed I'm currently laying in. Everything is made of this beautiful honey-colored wood, the space is very natural, like a small cottage in a forest. One single window is placed next to the door, which opens to a large backyard of some sort, although it's dark outside at the moment, and I can't see quite well. A few candles give a minimal light from the desk, keeping me in modest semidarkness. There is no fireplace in sight, which means wherever I'm at, the temperature is kept in check with magic. Speaking of which... where am I anyways?

I turn my head to the side with the intention of getting up, noting that my whole body is aching for some reason, like I received the biggest beating of my life the day before. Fortunately, I'm not left in fog about my situation for long, because the wooden door opens up, and the previously met twin girls scurry in with haste.

"Young lady, you're awake! We were worried about you!" they gasp the words in perfect sync, and start to examine me like I suffered a fatal injury or something. One checks my forehead, then opens my eyelids with two fingers, holding a quite bright wand in my irises, while the other gets to my wrist to measure my pulse.

"What happened? Where am I?" I croak, as I'm squeezing my eyes shut from the intrusive light.

"You're at Mungo's Monastery. We didn't know what possessed you when you collapsed to the ground screaming, but shortly after, you fainted altogether. We tried everything to help, but our attempts got no response, so we thought it best if we brought you here. If something happened, Miss Medeor would be able to take care of the situation." says the short haired girl who examines my pulse, and I slowly sit up in the bed, seeing they finished my checkup.

So, this is it. I'm locked for the next three years here. Me fainting is understandable, I've never felt such a consuming pain in my life, even receiving a Crucio was better. Not being able to reach my bat for a year, and then being separated from him again took way too much out of me. And now, I'm closed off from the outside world. Like in prison. Yep, this definitely feels like Azkaban, and we don't even need dementors, the daily torture of missing my love is enough.

My gaze lands on the two girls, now I have the opportunity to observe them better. They have the exact same pretty face, no doubt they are identical twins, orange-redheads, both dressed in a white shirt with the lime green overall, the Mungo's logo embroidered on their chest. The only difference between them is their hairstyle, one has a waist-long, thick braid flowing down her left shoulder, and the other's face is embraced by a shorter bob cut. Now I only have to know who is who.

"Excuse my question, but could you introduce yourselves again?" I rub the sleepiness out of my eyes.

"I'm Lilly Dawson." Giggles softly the girl with long braid who examined my eyes.

"And I'm Ellie Dawson." says short hair with more seriousness. Hm, another difference. Lilly seems more tender and gentle, while Ellie has a firm grasp on life.

"We were assigned as your immediate helpers during your stay here." the fact that they say most sentences in perfect sync has an endearing vibe, which puts a weak smile on me as well.

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