Chapter 6: Lend me a helping... arm?

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The afternoon goes by uneventfully after we leave the tiny classroom. I file this legilimency attempt as a success, having done no damage to Drax, and entering his mind effortlessly. At dinner my mind is is still brewing plans on how I can help Drax with his crush in any way, when I notice my precious potioneer staring at me with such intensity, his eyes might fall out at any moment. What's with his weird behavior these days? He shows jealousy of anyone related to me whenever we meet, and he can't seem to accept the idea of me not participating in his class, although I'm doing perfect work on his subject. It's more like he wants my presence in his class, rather than my completed assignments. But why? All I did to him was tease, play pranks and humiliate him during class, so why on earth does he want me back to potions? He knows I fancy him. He promised he will keep my secret if I do good with studying, and I'm doing exactly that. What more could he want?

I finish my dinner and head back to the dorm, it has gotten quite late, and I start to feel tired after a week of constant studying, healing and reading. I plan on going to bed early, feeling my eyelids drop as I go down the now dark hallways lit by only the fire dancing in the torches on the wall. Brushing my teeth and putting on my nightwear consisting of black silky long pants and a wavy shirt with mid-sleeves, I climb into bed and as my head hits the pillow, my conscience is knocked to the back, and dreamland unrolls its red carpet for me to walk over, and sink in a resting, peaceful night...

Or so I thought.

A loud explosion rattles me awake, and I jump out of bed, realizing the sound came from outside. Running to the window with my roommates to see what caused the inhuman level of noise, we see milky fog covering the outer side of the window, my turbulent colleagues and I don't have such a good view. All of a sudden two blurred black spots come into vision, one coming from the side entrance of the castle, and the other appearing from the dark forest's direction. Driven by my impatience and a very bad gut feeling, I grab my cloak and sprint out the dorm entrance, heading exactly towards the dark forest, out in the darkness.

„All students are to remain calm, and stay in their dorms. The situation is under control, the teachers are already out to avert the temporary inconvenience." I hear Minerva's firm voice through the speakers.

„Inconvenience my ass." I mutter to myself as I take turn after turn, running to get to the side entrance faster. This is no flimsy inconvenience. At least not according to my sixth sense. I am drawn to the scene where everything goes down at the moment, and based on my past experiences, I must listen to my gut feelings, they are never wrong. My heart beats in my throat, and as I approach the big gate, already seeing colorful flashes of light, indicating a duel taking place. I stop at the door, peeking out from behind it, revealing only the tip pf my nose. My heart sinks in my chest as I see Snape with his back to me, facing a tall, hooded individual with a mask on his face, resembling a white skull. A death eater? My parents told me about them when dad got attacked, mom described them to me, and the description fit perfectly here. I hear other battling noises from all around the castle, which means this jerk is not alone. They attacked Hogwarts. But why? Snape throws spell after spell from his wand, forcing the guy in black towards the forest, but in the meantime, he has to be quick with protective spells too, seeing this hooligan is super fast with his attacks. They move away from me step by step, the potioneer relentlessly sending attack after attack, arm up-offense, arm down-defense and repeat. The rhythmic flashing and crackling of dangerous magic are deafening, all the sounds mixing in from the other directions too.

Suddenly the death eater turns around and makes a run for it, prompting Snape to chase him right into the dense sea of trees. My feet are not made of led either, I follow them quickly, trying to remain hidden to the best of my abilities. Concealing my presence behind a tree I push my back flat to the bark, and keep one eye on the two strong wizard. The forest has a threatening atmosphere, the chilly air and the impending doom creating goosebumps on my skin. Everything is dressed in a dark grey color, the soft mist above the ground adding to the eerie mood.

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