Chapter 17: Riddles and Dark Chocolate

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Big day, today. My dear lover-professor is turning 27, and since yesterday I've been preparing a little surprise for him. After my first day returning to normal school life (well if you can call being satisfied on your teacher's desk normal) Snape successfully taught me the patronus charm. Of course, I used my first night with him as the happiest memory, and with a few hours of practice after classes, I was already having a corporeal patronus. A white cat. Snape told me a few things about patronuses, what we use them for, and what my animal represents. Apparently, the color of the cat represents my healing ability, because white is associated with prosperity, healing and rebirth. The animal itself says that I'm quick-witted and flexible, always able to adapt to situations, but at the same time, sneaky and hard to catch, just like a cat. Also, it shows that my trust is difficult to earn, but once someone does it, I develop a deep connection to that person, offering love and protection. Wow, spot on. Awesome. Of course, in the next dark arts class Lupin looked at me with suspicious eyes when I conjured my fully developed kitty, while the others struggled to make their wands only light up a little. Yes, Snape has a spartan way of teaching, but quality results are produced in a short amount of time. And to be honest, sometimes I preferred his style, not just because I fancy him, but because his high standards made sure the material really stays in your head.

I also returned to my daily studies of healing, Poppy gave me a brand-new set of books, and told me she'll have me do a bigger exam right after the mid-year one, so I can focus on Hogwarts topics fully.

But my main focus for today is to entertain my bat for his birthday. He never celebrated his special day, not even as a child, so there's another rectification we have to make. I plan on slowly replacing all his negative experiences with new, loving ones that will elevate the potioneer's mood instead of provoking grumpiness all day. And now I understand better why every year Snape was just a tiny bit more irritable on January 9th compared to other days. He was always annoyed by his birthday, but we're about to change that.

As I enter the Great Hall for breakfast, I try to find a spot closest to the teacher's desk, and I take a seat at the long table filled with food. I shift my eyes over to the coffee-sipping sleepyhead, his adorable grumpy face making me chuckle a bit.

"Happy birthday, Severus." I send the thought over to him with a warm smile, but his response is just a longer grunt in my head.

"Aw, come on, professor, it's your birthday! Your own special day, you should be at least a little excited!" I say with a pout, and take a bite from my omlette.

"And what should make me so excited on this completely average and insignificant day?" he asks, an irked eyebrow running up on his face.

"Maybe the fact that I have a surprise for you." I tell him smirking, throwing a side-glance at his rigid form.

"If you bothered to buy me anything—" he starts, and I quickly cut him off before he begins his sulking monologue. "Nononono. By surprise, I meant a game." Of course, I bought him a present, but that's for later. Oh dear, he's truly super sensitive about his day, and the discomfort of having to endure 24 hours constantly being reminded of his remorse and past mistakes really shows up on his features. I know this day was eternally a memento about Lily, and how he hated his own entire existence for long, long years. I don't know how much I can ease from that pressing guilt and hatred, but I'm damn sure I'll try my best.

Snape doesn't respond, just looks at me plainly, a hint of curiosity hiding in his eyes. I take his silence as a sign that he's interested, so I continue.

"The game starts after classes, I made sure that we can finish our duties before we begin. I've hidden small pieces of parchment in different locations throughout and outside the castle. Each has a riddle on it, which is a hint to the location of the next piece. Your task will be to find these papers, solve the riddles and follow them to get to your final destination. Don't worry, the parchment is charmed to respond only to your wand, so the text will not be revealed to anyone, if someone else finds it by accident. Your first paper is in the potions classroom, after you finish up, you can begin the search." I look at him with a cute face, trying to make him a little enthusiastic. The potion master narrows his eyes suspiciously, then his leery voice comes up again in my headspace.

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